Mission Commission

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"Hey val,have you ever accidentally masturbated to old pictures of your aunts when they were younger?"

"Hallow who the fuck starts a conversation like that I just came in!"

It was a normal day at lab 0. The last hope was trying to work with new reports they had gotten and when I say the last hope working,I mean everyone but holly or as we know hallow.

"What are you lassies talkin' bout?"

"Nothing patty...just Hallow talking about things that ONLY happen to her."

"Oh well I need ya to do me a Wee favor..."

"Patty if you tell me about the ditch-"

"No no hallow! I need you both to...get something off the roof for me.."

"My god patty...what did you do?"

"Wow valentine! I just can't believe ya would think that I just......please just help!"

"You...got the 297 gxz canon stuck on the roof..."


Hallow then hit patty upside the head as a form of punishment.

"Ow! What was ta' fer!?"

"Patty you just got one of our strongest weapons stuck on the roof! Christmas is gonna kill you!"

"*sigh* Well patty...what is you plan to fix this?"

"You know how hallow is taller than ya val..."

".....you want us to stack up on each other..."

"Hmmm...well me and val have never done that before sooo lets go it!"

"Hallow...just Why?"

"Because val! We as the last hope should be able to do anything! Also I like carrying you like a baby."

"You may be taller but I weigh more that you....fine let's do it-"

"Do what?"


Easter had come behind valentine scaring all three of them.

"Ohhh easter! Umm when did you get here...?"

"......you all just left with no answers...whats going..."

Easter looked up to see the 297 gxz canon on the roof.she then looked down to the girls.

"........this was pattys doing wasn't it?"



"Right...well how will we get this weapon down?"

"Easter you have a larger build then us...you could throw us up there so that we can get it down."

"Why would she do that?"


oh dear god.....she's here.

"Heyyyyyy Christmas.....whatcha doing here?"

"We have a training session in 4 minutes.what are you 4 planning?"

"Hey patty,easter, we found the canon but it's stuck on.....shit."

"Hey Christine.....welp bye! C'mon val-"


"Okay okay! I got the 297 gxz canon up on ta' roof!"

"....how did you even manage that?"

"I just wanted ta' see how much air time I could get with that!"

Christmas was really not happy.one of their strongest weapons was on the God Damm roof!

"Valentine,hallow get down here!"

"Okay but I smell something....hey Hallow don't you smell it too?"

"Hmm? Oh I do....OH CRAP IT'S THE CANON!"



hallow tried her best to carry valentine down the roof before the canon exploded.

The canon did in fact explode.though everyone left in time!


"Uhh Christmas..? Are You alright dear?"

"Easter....i am going to go train....i need to think..."

Christmas then left but not before this one last sentence

"......patty.you are cleaning this up now!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Soooo today was dumb."

"Yes it was.hallow,you should be doing the report brain drain gave you."

"Yeah but......i just wanna nap..."

"Fine.you can nap here for 34 minutes then you leave."

"Yay!thanks valentine! This is why we're besties!"

Hallow then rolled under Valentine's work desk and fell asleep.

Valentine then chuckled.

"Jeez...im glad that we're friends too."


I love them almost as much as love valensoul

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I love them almost as much as love valensoul.

the last hope chroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now