Chapter 2 - Questioning

Start from the beginning

" Oh my, we should have probably gone to you first, then we wouldn't have gone through all this mess." Ciarra sighs.

" I guess so." Beullah agrees her very bright eyes lighting up, " See you guys next year."

She walked away at that.

" I don't think Beullah is that bad." Ashanti comments.

" She's still gay, that baffles me." Ciarra tells them as they descended the stairs down to the road.

" Hey let's go check up on the girls at the school clinic." Kweiba suggests and they all headed that direction.

The sanctions prefect called Ashanti back and handed her a punishment card. Kobby who had just walked out of the store room in the chapel walked up to her while the others continue to the clinic.

" What did they give you?" Kobby asked curiously and Ashanti turned.

" A two-week suspension after the first week of school next semester."

" Harsh!... I actually wish I got this punishment for next semester. An official permits to ditch school for 2 weeks? How can I hate something like that?"

Ashanti put a hand to her head frustrated.

" Sorry Kobby, but this kind of punishment is internal, meaning I'll have to come to school, have only prep and dining throughout the entire day." Ashanti clarified.

" This is real injustice especially for people like Zaron, we need defined laws to protect people like him." Kobby scrutinizes, " I've got this, for the meantime try to get Anita to have the suspension time reduced."

He took the slip and run after the girls crossing Ciarra's path.

" Kobby! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Ciarra panicked. After a night of being snuck up on and running, this was the last thing she wanted to experience, " Kweiba go on ahead, I'll join you later."

Kweiba nodded and walked away.

" I'm so sorry, here." He handed her the sheet.

" Who's this for?" Ciarra asked until she read Ashanti's name, " Poor thing, I wish I could do something."

" Actually you can, you're on the Junior Jury." Kobby reminds her.

" Yes Ky, but no freshman has ever brought up a case because we are mostly ignored. They claim our ideas are irrelevant."

" Look Ciarra, this is a much sought-after scandal it has a high-profile and so much deception that everyone has his or her own story to tell, so why don't we just gather all the information and pronounce the truth?"

" I don't know, I don't know really but I'll try." Ciarra rants, " If I have to create a case of my own I'll need a lot of evidence to support me and a couple of witnesses, and help from someone on a higher hierarchy in the school."

" I've got all that covered the photography club did a great job during the dance they have shots of virtually everything from every angle, so I am sure if we hook up with one of the executives we will be able to locate a few smudged images of who went into the chapel after Ashanti and Zaron, then we'll need to get a few people who were on that street at that time. We have all vacation to prepare for this!" Kobby explained excitedly as Ciarra looked at him with uncertainty, " Look, it's something you've always wanted to do so here's your shot let's help our friends."

" I'll talk to Sister Anita to speak to Ekow so he gives us a head start to compile our findings and if it is good, then fine I'll do it."

" Anyway who's coming for your parent-teacher meeting?" He asked.

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