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«Good morning sleeping beauty. »

Eren raised his head to see Y/n standing right before him, with a slight smirk curving her lips and some books in her hand and a paper bag in the other.

«Hey. » He smiled back, putting the pencil on the book he was reading.

«Can I sit with you? » She asked pointing at the empty seat next to him in the library and Eren immediately moved his backpack from it to make her seat. Y/n  

«Of course. »

«I knew I'd find you here, so I brought coffee. » Y/n kicked out of the bag two take-out coffee and he gave him one.

«It's a black coffee. I know you like it. »

«Oh I needed it so much, you're an angel. » Eren took the cup and leaned his head on her shoulder.

«I have an exam tomorrow, I think I want to die. » 

«Exam of? »

«Metaphysic. » Eren said laying back on his chair as they cheered with their coffee, Y/n's eyes widened as she took her sip. 

«Just the name gives me goosebumps. »

«I know, but it's not that hard... if you follow the classes and... constantly study... which I obviously did. » Y/n tried to not laugh at Eren's faked confidence. Just seeing his desk full of papers and messy notes clearly showed the quite contrary. 

«Oh sure, you did. »  Eren put his head between his hands and sighed. 

«Do you need help with studying? »

«No, don't worry. I can handle this. But thank you. » The whole morning just passed in the blink of an eye. They studied silently one next to the other, with their elbows touching, for nearly 5 hours straight in the silence interrupted by moved cheat sheets and the sound of a keyboard. 

Eren's brain was on fire from the much information learned in that short time and Y/n noticed it.

«I... » Y/n closed one of the books after putting a folded sheet in it «...think it's enough for now. I can nearly see smoke coming out of your ears. »

«I still need to study. »

«Okay, but you need to take a break or you won't learn anything. Let's go eat something, then we come back here and study until they kick us out on our asses. » Y/n took off his glasses and moved a few locks of hair out of his face. Eren didn't say a thing, he couldn't say a thing. He just looked into her eyes and nodded. Was he really shaking?

«Good, let's grab our things and go out. »

«But it's my treat. As a thank you for the coffee and I won't accept a no as a response. » Y/n rolled her eyes.

«Okay... » After they took all their stuff and then headed out of the library and went straight out of the campus to a Poke House and ordered takeout only to go eat in the green area in the university.

«I still haven't asked you about your date. » Ere said sitting on a bench near the library and breaking the chopsticks. He didn't really want to ask that question or know anything in general about that boy but it may have seemed weird if he didn't ask. 

«It went good I guess. It was a great concert but I'm sure you already know it. »

«Yeah about that... »

«Why didn't you tell me that you would be there? I thought I was hallucinating. »

«Oh you're on a date with a guy and you were thinking about somebody else? » Y/n shook her head, eating her bowl without even responding to that.

𝘽𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙨 | 𝙀. 𝙅𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now