Chapter 3

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I woke up in darkness, I couldn't see anything which made me go into full on panic mode. I realized an arm was around my waist I jumped and tried to get up out of it before they woke up and pushed me down ini the bed further. I couldn't see anything not even this person at all!

"Shh it's okay, just me." I recognized Niall's voice and calmed down

He kissed my cheek and pulled me into him so we were spooning

"go back to sleep babe, I got rid of them, we're safe for now." I relaxed before hearing something move on the floor

"What's that!?" I whisper-screamed

"It's just Harry, he's a friend. I called him when we got here because of that text from Austin." he explained

My eyes suddenly betrayed me and closed letting me drift off.


I woke up alone in the room, I suddenly missed the warmth of Niall. He was always warm which was comforting. Niall walked in with who I'm guessing is Harry. Niall smiled at me as he walked closer.

"Mornin babe, we're gonna have to ditch this place today." Niall said

"can't have them follow us." Harry added

"how soon are we leaving?" I asked

"a little while we still need to figure out some things." Niall said

I bit my lip and ran a hand threw my hair.eww. My hair is soo greasy!

"Can I take a shower?" I asked slowly

"yeah I think the water still works." Niall said

I got up and walked over to Niall, he handed me shampoo and conditioner bottles and a towel. He pointed to the door on my right,

"bathrooms over there." Niall said

I walked into the bathroom,

It. Was. Beautiful! Everything was white and pretty. I walked over to the shower, the door was clear glass and the whole thing looked super fancy. Which surprised me cause from the outside this place looks horrible. I opened the door and turned on the hot water.

Few minutes later I got out and wrapped my towel around my body. Shit! I didn't grab clothes! I opened the door slightly and looked at Niall

"can you grab me some clothes?" I asked quietly

He nodded and went threw my bag and came over and handed me the clothes "here." he said softly

I shut the door and looked at the clothes he gave me. A low cut v-neck shirt that's practically see threw and shorts. I opened the door again.

"just give me my bag." I said

He sighed and got up and gave it to me. I went threw it and found a tank top to put in under the shirt Niall picked out and ripped jeans.


Soon after I changed Niall, Harry and I got in a car an darted driving back towards town. I pulled out my phone and text Laura

To Laura: hey I might not b home for a couple days. I'm okay tho! So don't worry. Ttyl bye!

A few minutes later I got her reply

From Laura: what?! Where r u ? Who are you with?!

To Laura: I said not to worry!

From Laura: fine just be careful

To Laura: ok I will bye!

I put my phone in my bag and turned to Niall and Harry who were talking about something.

"where are we going?" I asked

"my house." Harry said

"where is that?"

"we'll be there soon." Niall said

I nodded and laid my head on Niall's shoulder. We drove forever! I'm soo bored! We pulled up at a Nando's and went inside. We ordered our food then got back in the car and continued driving.

"can we turn on the radio?" I asked

"yeah sure." Niall pressed some buttons and Thrift Shop came on..

I sang along, I know every single word. After many more songs with all of us singing along. A couple hours later it was getting dark and I was becoming tired. I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder again and soon drifted off.


Yeah I know that was very short and probably overly boring. Next chapter will be better I promise!

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