Chapter 10: Getting soft

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"Ugh... so hungry" Michael muttered, slowly getting out of bed. Another month had gone by since he'd moved in with Eden, and now it was really starting to show on his body: his toned abs were now completely hidden under a layer of pudge, his thighs and butt had gotten wider, to the point where any of the pants he'd wear would leave very little to the imagination, and the same could be said about his shirts, which would often feel snug or ride up whenever he stretched out. Even so, Michael had managed to remain completely oblivious to it all, blaming Earth's washing machines for his ill-fitting clothing.

"Let's see what I can get..." he mumbled, silently opening the cupboard and rummaging through it, looking for something crunchy like cereal or pretzels.

"Micky?" A voice suddenly spoke from behind him, causing the fallen Angel to flinch and hit his head on the open cupboard's door "Ow! E-Eden? W-what are you doing here?!" he half-whispered nervously, blushing deeply from how he'd been caught red-handed.

"I just came to get some water..." he replied "Looks like you were looking for something else, chérie" the bartender added, cheekily pointing at the cupboard and giggling cheekily.

"I- N-no, not at a-all I-"

"You don't need to justify yourself! It's not your fault you're so hungry all the time, but..." he slowly walked up to him "Are you sure you don't want to work out a little as well? All those calories gotta go somewhere~" he cooed, playfully poking Michael's tummy.

The Seraphim gasped, tugging his shirt down "N-no need to! My metabolism is fast enough as is- this is just... water weight, yeah!"

Eden smirked "Water weight, huh? More like hamburgers and sweets weight to me" he giggled adorably, cupping Michael's tummy in his hands and gently squishing it, feeling just how soft it was "No doubt, this right here, is aaall soft, jiggly fat"

"I-impossible..." he muttered, looking away, until Eden took his hands and placed them on his belly.

"Bien, feel for yourself, then!"

Michael blushed even more as he was forced to feel his own tummy and all the damage he'd done to it: it felt like sinking his hands into dough... and what he hated the most about it all, was that... he really wasn't as displeased about it as he thought he'd be, but he still felt ashamed of himself and how easily he'd let Earth's food subjugate him. "Is... is this... really a-all me?"

"Mais oui... you seriously didn't notice?" Eden asked, almost in disbelief.

"I-I'm not used to looking at myself in the mirror... or feel my body, that'd be an act of vanity so..."

"Oh mon dieu, you really have to stop with all this modesty act!" the French man complained.

The Seraphim somewhat shrunk down "I-it's not an act I- but... gosh I guess I really overestimated what my body could handle... look at me now... look at all THIS!" he emphasized, jiggling his belly "I'm so... shameful..." he said, looking down at himself, a troubled expression on his face.

"Aw chérie, you're not shameful..." Eden muttered, patting his shoulder, but the fallen Angel jerked away.

"What am I then?! I- I let myself go! I've corrupted myself! And- And—"

"You need to relax, Micky, relax... listen... gaining weight is something that happens to everyone, and it can happen at any time and for any reason- I gained weight because of depression, and I still struggle with it sometimes- but I love my body regardless and- and you should too, because even if now you're chubby... that doesn't make you any less valuable!" Eden said, firmly holding his hands.

"That's easy for you... you always look so confident at any weight- but that just can't work for me... especially when I know it's all my fault-"

The bartender sighed "It's not your fault... it's not even something to feel guilty about- regardless of what they taught you up there, you really don't need to feel guilty for this- sure you gained weight but WHY? Because you finally found a chance to relax and enjoy yourself! That's not a bad thing, chérie... especially after- I don't even want to know how many years of constant work" he whispered, gently caressing Michael's side "You have more than deserved this little break... and if it's of any consolation... I think you still look beautiful"

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