Chapter 9: A day out

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About a month had passed since Michael had gotten stuck on earth; he was still living at Eden's place and still struggled to find a job, which had been causing him a great deal of stress. That, combined with his repeated failures to find a way to get back to his dimension, had led him to eating more and more as a way to de-stress, which didn't go unnoticed by Eden. He'd heard the Seraphim sneaking out of his bedroom on several occasions just to fetch himself a snack. The bartender did not think much of that until he began to notice some slight changes to Michael's figure, mainly around his hips which had become somewhat wider, and the same thing could've been said for his butt and thighs. Eden was conflicted about it: on one hand, Michael looked really cute like that, but on the other... he was looking more and more stressed out as of late, and he feared that new habit could've been harmful for him and his figure in the long run, and he knew just how much the fallen Angel cared about his looks.

One night, after coming back from work, Eden saw Michael still studying, hunched over the kitchen table, reading a book about human history or economics or gosh knows what, while munching on cereal.

"Chérie... you're still awake?" he spoke up, causing the Seraphim to flinch, breaking his focus.

"E-Eden?" he muttered, turning towards the chubby man, looking at him, dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh mon dieu... you look terrible- have you been there for the whole evening? You need to get some rest for those poor eyes!"

Michael grunted, holding the side of his head "I can't, I need to learn more about this world, if I'm truly stuck here until I die... I must learn these things to fit in and learn everything I can... fast" he tried justifying himself.

"You can do that without destroying your back and your sleep schedule!" the French man rebutted, crossing his arms "Allez, you're going to bed, now!"

"N-" before Michael could say anything, he felt himself being picked up and dragged off his chair. He'd almost forgotten Eden was stronger than him and therefore could lift him almost effortlessly.

"You're focusing way too much on this! You must allow yourself to enjoy life a little- you-you can't just spend your days reading this serious stuff" the pudgy man said, trying to reason with him.

"I- but I AM enjoying life..." Michael muttered, though he didn't really believe in that statement himself.

"By doing the same stuff over and over again?!"

Michael shrank back somewhat, avoiding Eden's glance.

"Bien, that's it, I've been planning this for a bit, but we really need to get you out of your room, there's a fair going on this week, we're going there tomorrow!" Eden firmly said, nodding a bit.

"T-tomorrow? Just... the two of us?" the Seraphim asked, blushing a bit.

"And Heather and Ezekiel! We're going to the park, we're getting some lunch out, play some games, win prizes- all of it!"

Michael widened his eyes "Th-that's going to take all day! I-I won't have time to do... anything else!"

"Exactly!" Eden pointed out "You're getting a day off after a month of constant studying, aren't you happy?"

"I- well- I'm not... unhappy about it, but... I've never really expected it to be so sudden- though... I suppose seeing Ezekiel again would be nice" Michael admitted, finally smiling again.

The following day, Michael and Eden met up with Heather and Ezekiel at the park; it was a nice sunny day despite it being fall already, and street food stands were just starting to set down their stuff.

"Thanks again for making it here on such a short notice, Hezzy, I... I know you've been busy, so..."

Heather chuckled a bit "Oh, it's no problem at all, besides, it's been a while since we last hung out like this!"

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