Chapter 10: Death due them part

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Many months had passed since Amelia had punished Damien for his little running away trick, and now the 2 were living comfortably in the house. Amelia had actually begun to extend the house with extra brick and wood that she found. She was hoping to build an extra room that led to a staircase that would lead upstairs and onto the roof. She did this because the house didn't have a second floor, which Amelia always wanted to add to it.
Amelia had found an old abandoned house that was made of brick and used wooden supports, very similar to Amelias home. So she began to break the house down using a big sledge hammer to use the materials.
She had to take long journeys of taking the bricks from the abandoned sight to the home using 2 large buckets. It was tiring, but she felt it was worth it.
As for Damien, he felt as though trying to run away was stupid.
When Amelia went on her trips to the abandoned sight to recover more building materials, she locked Damien in a birds cage that was hanging on the ceiling. She wasn't going to take any chances of Damien trying to run away again, and she obviously didn't trust him still.
One day, Amelia locked Damien in the bird cage and left for another run of collecting bricks, and he was left all alone in the house once again.
He has to sit down and wait for her to come back. The only thing keeping him from going insane was a little notepad that he liked to draw in that Amelia gave him as a present. It had been Christmas the last few days ago, and she felt that he needed something harmless to keep him entertained whenever she had to leave.
This day was as normal as any other day for Damien. He sat in the cage and doodled in his notepad, waiting for Amelia to come back home with more supplies. He didn't even think the house needed any more adding, but Amelia was insistent that it did.
48 minutes went by, and Amelia walked back in, holding 2 big buckets full of bricks in her hands. She put them down near the fireplace and walked towards Damien to let him out his cage.
"Hey Darling, did you miss me?" Amelia gave him a kiss on the cheek, something Damien grew to get used to.
"Yeah, I'm fine. When is this building gonna be done?" Damien was very annoyed at the extentions being built and wanted it over and done with.
"Oh, do not worry, darling, it's very nearly finished. Here come look..." Amelia picked Damien up in her palm and showed him the great progress. She had finished the stairs and the walls and the floor. All she needed to do was finish the roof of the room. It was halfway finished, and just needed some extra support beams and more wood and bricks to finish it.
So that's what Amelia immediately did. She let Damien go on the bed to relax, and she got to work. Using saws and hammers, she used the extra piles of wood from the back of the house to add the support beams needed, when she finished that she then began using the bricks to finish the ceiling.
It was a long task that lasted through out the entire day, she took breaks to feed both her and Damien and immediately got back to work.
Hours went by, and finally, at 8 pm in the afternoon, she fitted in the final peace of brick. It was finished.
"Ahhh...its finally done..." Amelia had a long stretch that made all the muscles crack in pleasure at finally having a rest.
She realises that her entire body was sweating and her clothes were very dirty. So she went to the bath and turned the tap, adding some soap to create bubbles. When it was done she stripped butt naked and was about to go in, but before she did, Damien called out to her.
"Hey umm, can I join?" Amelia looked in surprise but also gained a smile on her face.
"Aww, of course you can, come here..." She picked Damien up and let him take his clothes off before entering the bath. Amelia held Damien close to her chest and she dropped in, the water was nice and hot. They could both visibly see the steam rising off the water and evaporating into the air.
Amelia held Damien close to her breasts and Damien was hugging her and relaxing to the water. Both Amelia and Damien looked at each other, Amelia looking down, and Damien looking up.
"I love you Darling." Amelias soft and welcoming voice came in as she said those words. Damien smiled at her like he was finally seeing the love in her eyes.
"I love you to Amelia..."
And like that, the Giantess gave the human a kiss on the head, and both smiled in joy and in love.
As true as a Giantess is a giant and as true as a man is a human, they both loved on another to death due them part.

The End

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