Chapter 4: Privacy is a leisure that is earned

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After a long walk which felt like forever, the giantess had finally came to her home. The house was made out of large stone bricks and had clearly seen better days. She entered in through the creaky old wooden door and sat down on her bed.
"Wakey wakey" The giant whispered while beginning to shake her breasts lightly with both her hands. She peered down into her top to see Damien fast asleep between her breasts, and the sight made her uncontrollably smile.
"Hey now darling, wake up..." The giantess began shaking violently, which caused Damien to suddenly wake up in panic. "Aww there you are darling, had a good sleep?" Damien looked up at her staring directly at him, making his eyes widen at the situation.
"T-this wasn't a d-dream?" Damien asked in a scared voice.
"Oh no ofcourse not silly. Now hang on there, let me pick you up..." She reached down, grabbed Damien and lifted him up and out of her top. Damien felt relieved to finally be out of her breasts, finally feeling and breathing fresh air again.
"W-where am I?" Damien looked around to see that he and this giantess was in a large warm single room. There was a large fireplace that hadn't been lit yet, a massive bookshelf full to the brim of books and a nice looking round dinner table in the middle ontop of a red carpet. There was even a stove that looked to be used for cooking right next to a large sink. Everything looked surprisingly pretty clean and welcoming.
"This here my darling, is my...*ahem* our new home. Let me just place you on my bed." The giantess plopped Damien on the couchion on her bed, and it again was surprisingly warm and comfy.
"L-look, I just really wanna go home-" Damien stuttered.
"Sorry darling but this IS your home now, get used to it. I mean, it's not like you have a choice in the decision anyway."
"Why do you k-keep calling me 'd-darling'?" Damien asked.
"Well because you ARE my darling ofcourse! Like I said, you were mine from the beginning I looked at you. And now you will be my loving husband, forever and ever..." Damien looked at her in complete utter shock.
"H-h-husband?! I-I don't even know who you are! I-i don't even know your name!" Damien exclaimed at the sudden idea of him and this giantess been a married couple.
"Well, my name is Amelia. What's your name?" Damien thought for a moment weither or not he should tell her his name, but after afew seconds he knew he had no other choice.
"My name is...Damien."
"Awww...'Damien'  Thats a cute name." Amelia unexpectedly leaned down towards Damien still sitting on the large couchion and kissed him directly on his face, her entire mouth was bigger than Damiens head. She licked Damien with her tounge in the process, smearing her saliva all over Damien, who screamed at Amelia for this sudden kiss.
"AAARGH! DONT LICK ME!" Damien had been covered in her saliva, but Amelia didn't listen to Damien.
"Ahh that was really good, I'll continue our little interaction later on..hehe...For now we must give you a bath, you look filthy." Amelia picked Damien up and walked over to the sink and turned the tap. During the process of the sink filling up with water, Amelia began making small talk. "Did you like that kiss?" Amelia asked in a teasing and flirty manner, making Damien light up brighter than a traffic light.
"N-no! Ofcourse not...!" Damien looked away from Amelia, trying to hide his bright red face.
"Ya know I would believe you more if you weren't trying to hide that little blush of yours there." Damien was already becoming tired of Amelias teasing, he couldn't believe he was blushing because of her. Was he really getting flustered by Amelia, A GIANT?
Amelia turned off the tap to the sink, Damiens bath was ready.
"Okay darling your bath is ready, now strip please..." Damien was startled by the demand.
"N-no! I'm not taking my clothes off! I-I just wanna go home!" Damien yelled in frustration. Amelia looked at Damien, her eyes once soft and welcoming turned into sharp and intimidating.
"Listen darling......." Damien was shocked of the sudden change in tone of Amelias voice. "Do you really wanna try and go against me? Cause I am getting a little tired of your constant resistance....Let me be perfectly clear...
You are mine.
This is your home.
You will do everything that i say.
You are my property.
You will obey me....
Think about how vulnerable you are right now...." Damien began to feel the fear crawl all the way down his spine. "If I wanted to, I could kill you in one effortless smack.
I could pluck your head of in one pull.
I could rip your limps off and make you watch as I eat them.
I could throw you in a pot of hot stew and slirp you all up...
Hell I could rip those clothes right of you, and I will if you do not obey me. I want you to understand that I do not want to be forceful, I really do not.
But I will if you give me no choice....
Because trust me when I say,

You-do-not-wanna-test-my-patience..." Amelias eyes stared directly into Damiens soul, like death itself was starting at him.
"O-o-okay......" Damien gave out a single winpering response in a sign of defeat.
"Okay darling, I'm glad your finally agreeing. Now please strip." Damien was still very embarrassed and didn't want to do it, but he knew there was no other way.
"C-can you atleast, turn around...?" Damien asked in a very soft and vulnerable voice, but Amelia just laughed.
"Look darling, privacy is a leisure that is earned. It is not given out freely..." Damien looked down at the floor, knowing what he was being forced to do. There was no way around it. Damien turned around facing the opposite direction of Amelia and began stripping his clothes off. First his t-shirt, then his trousers, then his shoes and socks, and then his boxers. When he finally was fully naked Damien could heat Amelia giggling from behind him, he knew there was no point in even trying to cover up.
"Ya know darling, with this type of good behaviour I know EXACTLY how I can reward you later..." Amelia then suddenly licked all the way up from his neck to his ankles from behind, covering his entire behind including his ass in her saliva. Damien was blushing harder than be had ever done in his entire life. "Now be a good boy and jump in the sink." Damien did as he wS told and jumped down into the sink half full of water. Amelia began dripping little droplets off soap onto Damien so he could wash himself, and while Damien was doing that Amelia began washing Damiens clothes that he had just stripped out of.
After a good few minutes Damien had finished washing himself in the sink.
"I-im done now..." Amelia picked Damien up and dried him off with a large towel she had near her, Damien was still very shy on how he was naked. "Where am I clothes?" Damien asked.
"Oh I'm busy letting them dry, but don't worrie. I have some spare human clothes that should fit you well." Amelia placed Damien on the bed before she went over to the other end of the room and gathered some clothes from a chest, and gave them to Damien. They were a little bit to big for him, but it was better than being naked. But then Damien suddenly thought of something when looking at the clothes
"Ummm, w-where did you get these clothes?" Amelia looked at him like she had something dark she wanted to say, but she immediately smiled and just said
"Oh I found them in some house that I came across afew years ago." Amelia smiled before turning around and walking to the other end of the room again, where she proceeded to place logs of wood onto the fireplace. "Ill just light this up darling, it is quite cold and dark." Damien sat still on the large bed in complete silence, crossing his legs and fiddling around with his fingers to distract himself from the predicament he was in. One Amelia had lit the wood in the fireplace with a single match, she walked over and sat on the bed with Damien. "I think it is time we go to sleep now, its getting very dark." Without Damien even saying a word she unexpectedly stripped out of her clothes and threw them on the floor. Damien was caught of guard by this impulsive action
"W-why are you naked?" Damien asked.
"I always sleep naked darling, i hope you don't mind." Amelia got under the blanket and forced Damien to cuddle right up against her head, he was lying on the same pillow she layed her head on. "Good night darling." Amelia gave Damien a light kiss, trying to be as careful and soft as she could.
"G-good night...." And as such both Amelia and Damien fell into a deep slumber...

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