Chapter 3: Always take a warning

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Damien stood there frozen from fear at the sight of this threatening giant looking directly at him. Damien had no idea what to do or what to say, all he could think about is how big and intimidating this giantess was. In some ways Damien was quite pleased that he finally got to see a giant in person, but the fear of what was to happen made Damien very scared. The giantess looked deeply into Damiens eyes while holding her hands behind her back like she was trying to appear friendly.
"You know it's rude to stare at a lady and not say got your tounge?" The giantess asked. One thing that surprised Damien was how calm and almost seductive this giantess's voice was, it almost had Damien feel more calm.
"I-i-i um...." Damien looked away from her and stared at the ground, what could he do in this situation?
"Awww your just adorable, I could just eat you up." Damien looked at her in fear and shock.
"N-no, please dont eat m-me." Damien started backing up to the door of the cottage.
"Now now do not worrie, I'm not gonna harm you. Infact I have a little idea..." Damien looked at her with a confused face.
"How about you come with me? I can show you my lovely home, and I do get so lonely in this forest. I could do with" Damien was terrified of what this giantess wanted, but he knew he did not want to go to this giants home.
"Umm n-no I-I-I have to get home as s-soon as pos-posible...I think i-i'll pass on idea..." The giant giggled at Damiens remark.
"Awww, its cute that you think you have a choice..." Damiens eyes widened more than they ever had done before, while the giantess gained a sickening sadistic smile and gave out a threatening laugh at Damiens reaction. After hearing the giantess say this, Damien immediately ran inside and slammed the door shut in a panic. "Oh come on now little human, don't make this any harder than it has to be." The giantess's words were scary enough to make any man cower in fear. Damien knew that it would be hopeless hiding in the cottage, but maybe he could try and get out and run away without this giant noticing. "Look tiny, just give up and surrender to me. Or don't, this will be much more fun..." Damien could hear the giantess making threats but he wasnt listening, he was more focused on trying to find another exit. He looked everywhere, frantically searching around the house. Yet he couldn't find a single other exit, not even a back door.
"Damn it...Damn it!" Damien was trapped in the small fragile cottage, all he could think to do was hide in the corner of the bedroom which was the furtherest away from the front door, and hope that this giant will lose interest.
"Listen little one, as much as I find your determination amusing I don't really wanna do what I'm gonna have to do. I want you to have a good first impression of me and I can't accomplish that if you see me acting violence. So please do us both a favour and come to me, trust me it'll be more peaceful than the other option..." The giant seemed to be wanting to try and persuade Damien out of the little house, but Damien wasn't listening. The giantess gave out a loud disappointed sigh. "Oh well, I did warn you human..." Damien sat in the corner of the bedroom terrified with what was about to happen, and braced for the giantess to do something....
Yet there was a good few minutes of silence, nothing happened. The giant was making so sound whatsoever. Damien looked around the room puzzled at this, did she actually leave? Was this nightmare for Damien over?
Damien stood carefully and silently up on both his legs, trying to his to not make a sound. He looked all around to try and hear something, but there was nothing. Complete silence. Then suddenly as Damien got used to the silence,
A large boulder came crashing down in the living room of the cottage, Complete destroying the room and making a loud almost cannon fire sound as it landed on the roof and into the cottage. Damien fell to the floor from the violent shake and covered his eyes from the sudden loud sound it made, smoke spread all over into all the rooms including the bedroom Damien was in. All hope that he gained from the silence was completely ruined now, there was no way out of this situation.
"You know little human, i have a great sense of smell...Why don't we test hiw good it is?" The giant began sniffing the air and picked Damiens scent all the way to the bedroom. Damien layed on the floor frozen and terrified. "Ahh, there you are." Damien was again confused and looked directly at the bedroom window, where the giantess was looking directly at him. She had gone on all fours and looked in through the dirty decaying window to see Damien staring back, frozen from fear.
"P-please...Please d-dont..." Damien couldn't even finish his sentence before the giantess interrupted.
"I'm sorry darling but you gave me no other choice, always take a warning." The giantess then smashed her hand through the wall and grabbed Damien by his legs.
"N-n-noo!" Damien yelled in terror, but it was useless. The giantess lifted him out the room and into the air, before placing him in the giants right hand. She wrapped her strong fingers around Damien, and started giggling. Damien felt like his whole body was gonna explode from the pressure of having this giantess's fingers which were nearly as big and Damiens arms. The size comparison between Damien and this giantess would be like a regular sized woman holding a pretty big action figure.
"Well little one, your mine now..." The giantess's mouth turned once again into a sickening twisted and almost sadistic smirk.
"N-no...please...i-ill do anything..." The giantess shushed Damien by placing her index left hand finger on Damiens lips.
"There's no point in begging darling, you were mine the moment I saw you. Now be a good boy and just accept your fate..." Damien was going to say more but the Giantess very quickly forced Damien down her top so he would be squished against her breasts. "I'd try to get some sleep darling, it's gonna be a long walk to my place. We can started enjoying our life together once you settle in there. We are gonna have so much fun together you and I, once you start acting like a good boy."
Damien wanted to try and get out but it was no use, he was slotted between both of the giantess's breasts and was stuck between them. It didn't help that once the giantess began walking, the breasts would bounce heavily which made it impossible to do anything.
After half an hour, Damien gave up on trying to do anything as his whole body was to tired from the long walk he had previously done. His eyes began to close and shortly enough, he fell into a deep slumber...

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