Chapter 4: The Bathroom

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Shuichi’s POV 

I ran out my bedroom door, and ran down a hallway and a flight of stairs. However, I didn’t know which way was to the front door, and went the opposite direction into the kitchen.  

“Good morning Shuichi, what are you still doing here? Your sister left half an hour ago.” spoke a navy haired man who looked to be in his forties. Before I could answer the man’s question, the man answered, “Whatever, you're at school on time most of the time, so I’ll let it slide this time, how ‘bout I give you a ride?” 

“That would be nice.” I replied, and we both headed for the door. As we drove in the car, I made sure to pay attention to the route he was taking. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, so I should learn how to get to and from places. The navy haired man then spoke, trying to make conversation. 

“So, how are things going with your purple haired boyfriend?” I froze, trying to figure out whether he already knew or not. “What boyfriend?” I responded in a shaky voice, hoping that would be the right answer. “You can’t lie to me, Shuichi. I see the way you two look at eachother.” 

Another correct guess, luck must be on my side today. “Plus,  I may or may not have interrogated your sister  about the subject.” There it was again. My sister. I have a sister? What was her name? “Traitor” I mumbled under my breath, that's how I would respond, right? 

The navy haired man chuckled, “Well we’re here Shuichi, and don't be late tomorrow, alright?”

“I won’t be late tomorrow, I promise.” I said as I left the car. As I closed the car door, I heard him say something. “Jeez, when did he get so formal?” 

Shit. I messed up. Note to self, be less like yourself. That’s definitely not going to be difficult. I walked in through the doors of the school, and the hallways were empty. Huh? Shouldn’t there be people here? Oh wait, that’s right, I’m late, everyone’s probably in class already. I walked into a bathroom to quickly look at myself in the mirror, I don’t want to look like I just got out of bed on my “first” day of school. 

As I fixed my hair, I heard someone’s voice call out to me. “About time you show up to school Shuichi.” That voice was familiar. I turned around to be met by a slightly younger looking Kokichi. “Well good morning to you too.” I said to him, remembering that I had to act basically the opposite of myself. Kokichi let out a small laugh as he gave me a quick kiss . 

Oh. My. God. 

Kokichi just kissed me! Kokichi just kissed me? I’m gonna have to get used to that, it’s probably going to happen a lot more. Oh god, I’ll probably have to initiate some of them. I could feel my cheeks begin to redden. 

“Oh Shu, you always get so flustered.” Kokichi giggled with a smile on his face. It was different from the smile current day Kokichi makes. This one looks genuine. It was nice, seeing Kokichi look happy. I wish I could see that more.. 

“Well come on, we gotta go to class now.” Kokichi said as he pulled on my arm.  

Kokichi’s POV 

“Aw, friend Shuichi got flustered when friend Kokichi kissed him!” Gonta exclaimed next to me. “Ew, that was disgusting, please don’t tell that's going to happen again.” Maki gagged, staring towards the screen. 


“Hey! I’m right here you know.” I yelled at Maki. She’s so annoying, god I hate her. “Look how happy Kokichi looks! Auta said he wishes for you and Shuichi to stay together!” Angie exclaimed cheerfully. 

“Poor sidekick! Why would Auta wish that for him?” Kaito yelled, looking as disgusted, maybe even more than Maki. “Are you homophobic Kaito?! WOOOOOOW. CANCEL KAITO!” I yelled. The look on Kaito’s face was priceless. “Wha?-NO I’M NOT HOMOPHOBIC!”, he paused, then said, “Just Kokichi-phobic”

“Eh, would’ve been better if you said that right away.” I said, completely unfazed.  Ugh, he’s so annoying. I turned my head back to the screen and continued watching.

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