If My Velocity Starts To Make You Sweat, Then Just Don't Let Go

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Before I can even have a reaction, one of the Fabulous Killjoys has blown a whistle and everyone remains frozen in a state of shock.

Kid's hand is still tight around mine. Our bodies and expressions unmoved.

A century could be passing around us. A century of the world rotating, turning around and affecting those around us, but never touching Kid and I. We will remain in this state. That way, nothing will ever happen.

The whistle keeps blowing, People file back into the subway station around us. Nudges from those walking don't change anything, we are still frozen. Kid and I still look at each other, eyes wide with shock and fear.

Sounds begin to come back into focus. In the sea of silence, there are gruff voices barking orders from behind and in front of us.

"We need everyone back in the building for further instruction."

Before I can consider moving, I see a strong hand on Kid's shoulder. "Let's go, kid. We need you over here. Now." The hand that belongs to Atomic Grimace is pulling him away. Kid grasps my hand harder, a stony look in his eyes.

"Now." The voice strikes.

Kid finally lets go and is pulled away from my hand. I let out a shout, unable to form logical words. I follow them, pushing through the crowd trying to enter the building. I see the back of Kid's head, his blonde hair towering above the other Runners. He has always been kind of tall, but at his adult height, you can definitely make out Kid's light head among others. Kid is shuffling along with Atomic Grimace's arm around him, through the crowd. He is trying to stand up straight, but I can tell Kid is afraid. I know that look because I have mastered it.

Eventually I see where Atomic Grimace is going. To join other Fabulous Killjoys. The other Fabulous Killjoys are leading other men and women around to the center of the main tracks. They all line up next to the tables. Kid has his eyes closed and his arms behind his back. He is clearly the youngest of the group.

Atomic Grimace is pacing in front of the new Killjoys. They are standing at attention, and nodding as he speaks. I can't tell what he is saying, but it is important for sure. My eyes are on Kid. He looks very adult up there. It terrifies me.

I push through the remaining people separating myself and my best friend. I am staring at him until he glances at me for the slightest second. We make eye contact, but Kid quickly breaks it. He must be too afraid to face me.


I know why. Because he knows he's leaving. The voice had spoken. It was time. My legs go numb, but I don't fall. I can't show weakness right now. I stand up taller and take a small step closer.

After a minute of watching Atomic Grimace order the line of straight-faced people, I see another Fabulous Killjoy approach him, interrupting his important speech. The unknown man says something exclusively into Atomic Grimace's ear. He stops, nods, and proceeds to speak.

Something I don't expect happens. The group begins to disband. What? Are they free now? Was the voice a false alarm? That's unbelieveable. We hardly have false alarms. The Killjoys are careful, too careful for that to happen. While a mishap in our precise system could be disastrous, my overwhelming relief conquers my concern.

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