I just felt so comfortable and she dropped my clasped hands, cupped my cheeks and stared me in the eye. She was breathing heavily, her body still twitching as she continued to get off and I smirked, bit on my bottom lip and realized that even though her make up was a little smudged, even though her hair was tousled and tangled, littered across the pillow and even though there was a light glistening to her skin and a flush covering her neck, she looked absolutely breathtaking. I'd never seen her look more beautiful than right at that moment.

Though I didn't manage to admire for long because she pulled my face down for a kiss once she caught her breath, not hesitating in sliding her tongue into my mouth as her hands slid down and around me to keep me against her.

And as she moaned at the taste of herself in my mouth, I just smiled into the kiss.


There's a knock on the door ten minutes after my phone call with Jisoo and I grudgingly climb off the couch, setting my coffee down to head over to it.

The second I open it, a body barrels into my legs; small, thin arms wrapping around my legs and I chuckle, rustling Stella's hair before she runs off and jumps on to my sofa. It's one of those corner ones, even though it's not against a wall, and Stella loves it. She always sits in the corner with her toys spread out either side of her. It's kind of adorable, actually. Even if I’m not really a fan of kids myself.

My eyes follow the little girl and when I see her take a seat, I finally flick my vision back to Jisoo, standing at my front door with her face scrunched up, eyebrow lifted as she takes in my outfit.

"No offense, Manoban," she says and I just know that whatever she's going to say will be offensive. "But you look like shit."

I glance down at myself, taking in the sweatpants and baggy shirt and—well, yeah, I am dressed like crap. Still, I don't like her pointing it out to me. I scoff and turn away, heading back to the sofa and slumping down on it.

"Screw you, Kim," I hiss, lowly, knowing there's a five-year old sitting barely a meter away from me.

Jisoo follows me and sits down gingerly next to me, her face etched with concern. I just look to her because wasn't she supposed to be at work? That was the whole reason for me babysitting her kid, right?

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I question, knowing that yeah, she does.

"I am," she confirms and I narrow my eyes at her. "But something tells me you have something to tell me."

I freeze at her words. Shit. Maybe Rosé did tell her. But then why would she be all calm and crap. There's no way in hell that she'd be cool if she found out that I fucked my best friend—and her best friend, for that matter—last night. She'd be flipping her shit, yelling at me and telling me that I'm an idiot and that Rosé's not another one of my skanks and I shouldn't be treating her like one. Which I'm not, even though leaving this morning really isn't supporting me here, but I only left because I was freaking out. I didn't do a hump and dump. I'd never do that to Rosé.

Although I suppose that even though, yeah, there's like a ninety-nine percent chance that Jisoo would react like that... if Jisoo Kim is one thing, it's unpredictable. She might be cool about it, or she might actually know and just be playing me to see if I'd tell her because she's sneaky like that.

And so as I stare at her, I almost say it but at the very last second, I chicken out and close my mouth, swallowing the words. I can't say them out loud. If I do, then last night was real.

"No," I finally say, almost like a sigh. "I'm fine. Just barely got any sleep last night."

The second the words leave mh mouth, I realize how they could've been interpreted, but before I can correct myself, I see the raised eyebrow and the smirk on my friends lips and shit, she's already thought of it that way. Jisoo might seem like a goody-goody two shoes but shit, she knows her stuff. She's not as innocent as she seems.

Never Knew I Needed (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now