Chap 2

860 35 8

Before going to the car and going home,Mia needs something

"Hey Sunghoon, wait i have to go the bathroom real quick before we go. Take my stuff please" she says this while handing him her things and speed walks to the bathroom.

As he looks in the way his sister went, he sees the cute girl from earlier walking his way.

'why is she coming this way' Sunghoon thinks while trying to stay calm and maintain a straight face.

Glancing at her and then back at his things he gets nervous. 'Should i talk to her?' He wonders in his head. His head is thinking of all sorts of things, his mind racing. 'Ok. I can do this. Ill talk to her' Sunghoon decides. Then begins to prepare what to say when she passes by him.

The girl is looking at her phone in her hand and as she gets closer to him she lifts her head. A small smile on her face as she waves at Sunghoon.

"... HI" Sunghoon suddenly blurts out, making her stop in front of him.

"Hello" she says back in a soft voice.

He cant help but realize she looks oddly familiar like hes seen her somewhere else. He wonders if he ever met her at some point.

"Im sorry its just that you look so familiar to me haha" Sunghoon says nervously

"Oh! You were just looking my way so i waved and said hi." She says back to him putting her phone away, diverting her attention to him. "Maybe we do know each other."

She speaks this in such a quiet voice its almost hard to hear her, but even with this small interaction it makes Sunghoon flustered.

"Yea maybe we do! Whats your name by the way, I'm Sunghoon?." a small smile is on his face when he looks at her and says this.

"Oh, im Sun-"

A short pause

"-Ha! Im Sunha!" She says with an awkward smile

Disregarding the pause, Sunghoon has never heard that name in his life. Maybe he doesnt know her. The fact that she still looks so familiar sticks out and stumps him.

"Ive never known anyone with that name haha. So this is probably our first time meeting! You just look so familiar to me so I probably got you mixed with someone else i know" It becomes a little awkward for the both of them after Sunghoon says this.

Finally breaking the short silence that seemed like forever, Sunha speaks

"Oh, ok then. See you later." Another small smile and a wave comes from her as she walks away from him.

He waves back and once hes out of her sight he backs into the wall behind him just leaning and processing what just happened.

He mumbles in a quiet tone "Sunha...? Hmmmm"

"Hey! Im all done now lets go." The familiar voice of Mia is heard. He looks at her and nods, starting to walk to the car again. This time not stopping, making it all the way home and going straight to his room after greeting his mom.

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