Nearly Caught.

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Will continue once I think of more things)

Roman: You could of told me the drill was a Piece of shit!

Duke: I specifically Said that before the heist, Now stop your damn complaining and Fix The damn thing While I call Bile For pickup!

???: There's Too many Swat units coming in! We should evacuate No-

Duke: I ain't leaving until I get my payd- FUCK! *Duke yelled, Getting a bullet lodged up in his shoulder as he took a swig of his flask, Popping the bullet back out* I knew I should of brought More Kevlar!

???: I'M GONNA DROP ON THESE SHITHEADS LIKE A FUCKIN PIANO! *The Dozer yells, Jumping off the railing and onto the ground causing an Impact*

Duke: ZEALDOZER! Hurry up with that goddamned Drill Already Torch!

Roman: It should be done in a Matter of Sec- HOLY SHIT- *Is All He could say as he saw a man Cladded in a dark suit Dropkick his ass into a Coma, Basically Knocking him out cold Only for him to sprint off*

Duke: Get up Roman! Now's Not the time to be Do- *He tries to get Roman up, But before he can A Giant shadow approached infront of Duke*

Zealdozer: You're up against the wall.. *The Zealdozer says, Before slamming his foot down onto the ground causing the floor to Crack a bit* AND I AM THE FUCKING WALL! *He says, Reeling in a Punch*

Duke: SHIT! *He yelled, Barely dodging the Melee attack From the zealdozer, Jumping away from the steel cladded Giant as he quickly grabbed the OVE9000 Saw From the ground before running inside the vault* HEY CHARCOAL! Cover my ass while I rip off these locks!

Cinder: It's Cinder You Clown!

Duke: Whatever just cover me While Roman Wakes up from his Mini Coma! *Duke Grabbed some saw blades as he began to tear open the locks, One thing struck his mind On which he wished it hadn't* 'I wonder where the damned captain is rig-'


Duke: 'I JUST HAD TO SAY IT!' *Tossing Cinder A Bag of Gold Bricks before grabbing himself and Roman some, As he put the saw away he heard a familiar Noise and on instinct he quickly ducked. Seeing the same Dark cladded figure above him as he zips away, Missing His kick as he rolled on the ground, Grabbing his rifle before chuckling*

Cloaker: I know I know, I'm late! *With a grin hiding beneath his balaclava. His night vision goggles Glew more brightly As he prepared another drop kick, Once again He flew passed Duke causing him to grunt as he got up. Firing his rifle at Duke causing him to groan only to retaliate back at the cloaked as he whipped out a rocket launcher, Making the cloaked go wide-eyed as he fired at the cloaked. Also barely missing as the cloaked sprinted off from the scene before going into the shadows once more* WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER!

Duke: Fuck me.. We still got work to do!

Bile: I'm coming in, In Thirty seconds!

Duke: Finally! My payday is nearing! We'll be gone in no ti-

Captain Winters: THERE, THE PAYDAY.. gang?

Duke: ShitShitShitShitShitShit Roman If you have any tricks up your sleeve, Now would be a Good Time!

Winters: Well Well Well, Look who we have here, A lost Clown Ready for a beating!

Duke: I'll Let you know my mask is based off a statue! Nerd moment but who cares.

*The Captain Only chucked as his Squad started firing upon the squad, Taking Heavy damage as Duke took another swig from His flask only to be shattered as his aura was shattered*

Duke: NO! NOT NOW- *Once again the familiar Noise was heard as he ducked again. The noise Zipped pass him as The cloaked rolled onto the ground*

Cloaker: Just give already Clown! Your Aura is shattered! You ran out of bullets! The captain is here and We have this whole place surrounded! *He cracked a sinister laugh As the ZealDozer approached the group, Miniature Earthquakes resonating As a loud Revving sound was heard from a minigun*

Zealdozer: I'M HERE, WHO WANTS TO DIE?! *As he was About to fire on the group, The helicopter was arriving as pink haired figure was on the helicopter, Shattering before reappearing at the same spot with The Squad in the helicopter, With all the gold bars And Cash as the Chopper quickly took Off as the zealdozer was firing his minigun at the chopper, Every shot was either deflected or vaporized* "FUCKING AMATEURS!"


Injured Duke: I'm glad we did that in such a.. Civilized way... *He says, Passing out Causing the pink Haired girl to Chuckle*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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