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This is now beastmen world. Please enjoy... 🤧

Cat beastwoman × tiger beastman

The sound of the clock made Eurielle desperately try to open her sleepy eyes after a night of watching her favourite movie while crying and using almost 3 roll of tissue.

Its really a bad idea. A bad idea that yesterday is sunday and today is monday,... Meaning.. Work!!

Omg work!!!

Eurielle sat up from her bed and rushes to the bathroom. After a fast but through bath, she put on her clothes and grab her bag and an apple.

The moment she opened her door, a new bustling world met her.

People with animal body parts, or even huge animals walk around the city like a norm.

"Eurielle!! " a voice from the other side of the street called her name.

"Hello masfid! Beautiful morning! ".she said back with a laugh. The d people laugh back and agreed to her.

Eurielle is a cat beastman. Cat are elegant beautiful creatures. Eurielles beast is a cat with beautiful white fur and green jewel like eyes.

Contrary to Eurielle herself ,she have smooth light golden hair, She have a slender curvature body,and jewel like eyes.

She is a beauty like no other, that people will look thrice her way and is always hang their mouth in awe.

Eurielle came from a family of strait cats, no big cats, but beautiful normal cats. As a child from this clan, they took care of her like a treasure. 

But it is still time for her to spread her own wings.

Eurielle has just left the care of her family and happily embrace the new world.

The company she had been working in just 2 weeks is a big company. She is just a small officeworker and had not even seen the big boss yet.

When she came to the 3rd floor, her officemates are bustling all over. Maybe something happened?

" Elsa.. What happened? " Eurielle look around her.

"Eurielle you better clean your desk. The son of the big boss is here to visit" elsa look around then pull her closer. "I heard he will soon take over the company. "

Who was the boss anyway? Eurielle had no idea, except for the fact that he seems to be a top predator.

"I heard that the boss son is an MMA player. And he is undefeated! He broke many bones that even his enemies are hesitant to fight him"

Eurielle winced. She has always been soft hearted, she never like to hear things like this even if watching it only on movies.

She softly patted elsa on her shoulders. "okay okay.. I will just clean my desk then" she said with a helpless smile with elsa's excitement.

Like the animal world, top predators also rules this world. And weak fear the strong.

As a tiger and a top predator himself, he has always regard himself with pride.

Ybarra knows how powerful he is. And he wants the people around him to recognize this power. Maybe he was too hot blooded, that instead of joining his family to run their family business he chose to fight in the ring and became the strongest and undefeated champion of all time.

By the time he reach 32, his mother could not take it any longer and drag him by the ears.

"32! You are already so old! At your age your siblings already have 7 or 8 cubs! You are already an old man! "

Maybe the 'old man' thingy touched his nerve in the wrong way.

What old man! He is still young! At the prime of his life!

"I dont need a wife or a cub! Im happy as i am now! " its real! He did not want no cub!

But he got was a whack in the head. "Hah! Youll see! One day you will meet a beautiful girl and will want her to carry your cub! You will be so eager and even jump on her on public! "

"Mom! Im not a pervert!! "

The quarrel between the two intensified for 2 days till finally they compromise. Ybarra will be in the family business for a year. And try to find a nice girl,.. If after a year and he still has not change his mind then he is free to do what he wants.

Ybarra is 6'4 in height, his body is lean and muscular. Making him intimidating, even if he wears a suit, the bulging muscles of his arm are still scary.

"Now you look good" his father saw him in this new attire and laughed. Like father like son, though his father is smaller by 2 inches, their faces are so alike even their bearing.

Only their age goes different.

"Ugh. To tell you father, i will not change my mind" Ybarra had long planned his life, he wants to be free and no responsibility in life like having a wife or a child!!

His father chuckled then said with mirth "to tell you too son, thats what i said to your grandfather too"

Ybarra scoffed.

Ybarra have 3 other siblings, he is the youngest of the four and his siblings also have businesses of their own. There was no hard feeling among the siblings, even if Ybarra would be the sole heir to the company.

When they step into the majestic building, the employees stood in line like a statue with bowed heads.

Ybarra even raises his brow at the sight.

The title of top predator is not something to be joke around. Even though he doesnt want to, his father had already put people by his side to introduce the work on each floor.

Its already the 3rd floor when he already found himself so bored.

There was nothing interesting! Just some talk here, talk there, the employees either giving him a look of fear or awe.

Jason look at his son who yawned, then laugh with mirth. He patted him on the shoulder. "No one catches your eyes yet? "

Ybarra raised a brow. The females?

He remembered the shy bashful look of many female he passed by but no one really caught his eyes.

"Pss.. No--" just then he seem to see a soft golden hair flowing freely. And a soft laughter rang in his ears.

It was like an angel fell from heaven, for him to be offered and claim.

There was a glow everywhere. Like someone just splash golden glitters infront of him.

Jason stopped and nudged him. "Hey son, whats wrong? " why is he suddenly frozen?

Instead of answering, Ybarra mived his feet to the direction of that woman. His heart beating frantically.

Eurielle is still laughing when she shooed the noisy elsa away as she starts to make her own coffee. She heard heavy footsteps from behind and faced the direction with a smile. "Elsa... "

A towering figure stood infront of her. His eyes looking at her with scary momentum.

"You... "

Eurielle froze. Omg! Who is this?!  So scary!

"Do.. You believe in love at first sight?"


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