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Ahiira was outside the den when oscar came back with a prey in mouth. He drop the prey on the ground, then trotted to her.

"I have.. Something to say. "

Oscar licked her head, like he always do. "Lets eat, "

"We have a custom," ahiira blurted and step back.
Oscars eyes sharpened at the feet that step back. He hates it, she know that,.

"Cheetahs leave their mate after.. They conceive.  And raise the cub on their own. "

Oscar looks at her, then suddenly purred. He walks to her and uses his huge body to encircle her and rub his mane on her small head. "My my, we also have a custom. We do not let our mates go, especially when she is with child. Not unless we die"

Ahiira was again locked up.

It was a few days later when the hierarchy of animal world is again broken, givan's pride has broken!

The two male brothers on both side cannot take it any longer and engaged in a fight. If they win, givan will still be able to keep his pride and if they dont.. Then the male on other side will kill givans cubs to make the lioness go into heat and start to mate.

But before that happens. The lioness will have to flee with the cubs. And if lucky, will meet up with givan.. If he will live.

The family of lionesses traveled for miles with their cubs. Until finally.. It reaches oscars territory.

Ahiiras stomach is already big for the experts to notice. They are amazed, and excited.

They had tried to breed a cross specie of lion and tiger and it was successful... Or not.

(Liger. If u had seen it)

Two more months till ahiira give birth to her first cubs.

Unlike the first days, oscar now allows her to hunt with him. This day is no other, while the two were away, james and one of the hunters from the village snuck to their den and placed a lot of cameras.

Then they ran back before oscar notices.

While eating, there was a roar from the distance. And the roars of cubs. They smelled his scent,.. Oscar. Yes! He is alive! This is also his cubs! He will take them in!

Oscar look up, ahiira also step back some distance. The remaining lionesses and their cubs stopped a moment looking at the two figure.

How could he be eating calmly with an enemy?

Oscar saw them and knew what had happened to his brothers. But when the lionesses came closer he gave a growl of warning.

"You entered my territory.. "

"Oscar, givan is overthrown.. We need you.. Our cubs"

The cubs is still hesitant to see their father again. Ahiira knew maybe it was finally time for her to go. But when she tried to step back, oscar growled with a warning glare at her.

When she stopped, he finally faced the lionesses and said with an angry growl. "Leave!! "

The lioness hesitated and gave him a questioning growl. Oscar suddenly grew furious and roared with his most terrifying roar.

The cubs and lionesses was so scared that they ran back. They keep looking back at oscar, as if making sure they did not take the message right.

In anger, Oscar stomp his feet on the ground and suddenly ran towards them. His claws are glinting with silver light against the sun.

The ferociousness in his eyes made the lionesses panick. They called the nervous cubs and ran outside oscars boundary.

Oscar shooed them away until he was satisfied with the distance, as long as they are not on his territory.

The lion gruffed then made one last roar, and turn his back.

Ahiira was in the den when he came back, the heat is too much for her to take, when oscar came she did not bunch. But oscar smelled the unusual smell in the cave and sniff around.

The smell was on the ceiling of the den, with strange thing he had not seen before.

He made sure first that they are not dangerous, as he slowly laid down beside ahiira. Then he slowly close his eyes.


"Ngyaawww. I got you! " 3 small furry cubs stumbled on the tall green grass, 2 white and one brown with almost golden fur.

"Nooooo!!" The brown one struggled under his brothers attack.

While the two are playing, a small white cub also decided to join the scuffle and jump above the two and starts biting the ear of the other white cub.

While 3 are stumbling around, they did not notice the albino cheetah nearing them. Seeing them in a scuffle. She sighed and gently bit one on its neck and separated it to the others.

"Mother!! " the little cub, who the experts called lily, as the only girl among the siblings look so much like her mother. With the elegant body of a cheetah and its spots, but somehow different in stature like a lioness.

"You two, dont make a mess. Dont ever try to wander out of your fathers territory.. Its dangerous. "

Ahiira is more careful to her boys when they are so naughty,

Alex, who the expert calls is the white male lion cub with cheetah spots.

And Aries, is the brown golden furred lion cub also with cheetah spots.

Their body statures will be more recognizable when they turn adult. As of now they are still cubs.. But still has the wonder of the world.

"Father is strong, he can kill any intruders here! " the two male cubs said in gloat as they follow on her step.

Ahiira rolled her blue orbs. When she trotted back to the den with one cub in her mouth and the two trotting behind her, she saw from the distance a big dark maned lion.

Resting silently under the big shade of a tree.

She put down the cub, the 3 cubs excitedly ran to the lion and Fearlessly climbed his sleeping face.

Lily bit his ear and started tugging. Aries and Alex played on his dark mane.

Oscar groaned but did not do anything,. He just leaned his head on the trunk. Ahiira made her way to his side and laid down.

There was a kind of peacefulness in the scene that was witnessed by the world.

Arc 1 ~ fin...

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