Top Supermodel 8.15

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Chapter 8.15

The judges marveled in their hearts for a minute before they began to comment.

"My dear, at first glance, I thought you were kissing Mr. Acheson," Jeffery said, clutching his chest.

Zhou Yun Sheng widened his blue peach eyes, his face glowing red enough to drip blood. He didn't know how to respond to this sentence.

Bonnie and Eureka smiled, apparently they felt the same way.

Jeffery gave the boy a playful wink, and continued "But after looking carefully, I saw that it was a confrontation. The faithful servant had overstepped his bounds with his arrogant and noble master, so they ended up in this position. I see a sad, melancholy and romantic story in this photo. So it can have a happy ending, I'll give you 10 points."

"I'll also give you 10 points, I hope you can treat your faithful servant better." Bonnie joked.

"I take back all my previous judgments. THIS is the most brilliant photo I've seen so far. There seems to be a pattern, every time you come up, my record is broken. I like that. So you can impress me more in the future, I'll give you full marks." Eureka wrote a '10' in the air with her ballpoint pen.

Zhou Yun Sheng blinked and gave his thanks to the judges.

Bonnie asked before she gave the net score, "Do you want to see the audience's assessment of this picture?"

Zhou Yun Sheng looked up and nodded.

Bonnie snapped and a woman with colorful hair immediately popped up on the big screen.

She had two blood-stained toilet paper in her nostrils, and after adjusting the camera, she popped the paper out and seriously commented, "I saw a lot of swimwear on the official website, the contestants apparently wanted to show off their sex appeal, and I have to say, I admire how you guys weren't afraid of Acheson and Bonnie. But, you guys had the wrong mindset. Real sexiness doesn't come from exquisite looks and perfect bodies, but deep self-restraint and your character."

"Some people can wear the most conservative clothes, their shirt neatly buttoned up, even covered with a scarf, but they're unable to hide the sexiness radiating from their bones.

I can understand why Mr. Acheson trapped Romeo in the coatroom, he must've been fascinated by his sexy little master. Their body language and eyes collided in passion and inexplicable tension. In that moment, the picture's beauty and style was instantly raised to the sophistication level of an oil painting.

I gave you 10 points. Finally, I would like to say a word to Mr. Acheson – let go of Romeo, let him come to me!"

Zhou Yun Sheng was amused, he nodded at the fan on the screen in thanks.

Bonnie laughed earnestly before giving the net vote.

His high scores left all the players behind, even if Romeo's photo was not perfect, his fan votes alone could ensure that he wasn't eliminated

. The contestants didn't understand where the millions of people who hated him disappeared to. Romeo has just been a little quieter lately, was that really enough to attract so many viewers?

But after seeing him laugh, his ocean blue and starry eyes complimenting his pure looks, the contestants seemed to understand the viewers' thoughts.

Hayden once again stood in front of Bonnie as one of the two potentially eliminated players, ultimately winning by a small margin. The eliminated contestant wanted to hug him, but he pushed them away. This indifferent and ruthless performance lowered the judges and the players' opinion on him even more.

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