Top Supermodel 8.3

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Chapter 8.3

Zhou Yun Sheng had stayed silent in the corner, so the sponsor hadn't noticed him, but when he saw him walk out of the crowd, his eyes suddenly brightened. This phone had a total of five colors, one of which had a pure white body and a deep black screen, giving off a clean, stylish, and noble feeling. And Zhou Yun Sheng's look and this phone was a perfect match.

Jeffrey was about to give him the black cell phone when the sponsor said: "Give him the white."

Jeffrey shrugged, changed to white and thought: Well, don't be too disappointed with this child later. He becomes a rigid and dull fool whenever he gets on camera, even his pure looks can't save him.

The fool, Romeo, was slowly hanging over the pit. Jeffrey kept soothing him, "Don't move, don't move, keep your center of gravity downward, you can do it child, I believe in you."

Zhou Yun Sheng nodded and tried to move his hands and feet after the landing gear stopped moving. His long and slender legs crossed, as if he was not in the air and surrounded by broken walls and a rusty metal frame, but in a magnificent palace, sitting on a huge and soft sofa.

Like he was sitting on the sofa, leisurely fiddling with his phone, thinking: Who should I invite to the party?

"Oh my God, I don't know how he maintains this posture, does he really have a chair behind him? It must be a gorgeous chair." The sponsor was surprised at the teenager's style. That's right, what they wanted was to blur the line between imagination and reality.

Zhou Yun Sheng was using his two hands to fiddle with the phone. This time, he stretched out the hand with the phone far away from him and leaned his forehead against his other hand. He raised an eyebrow and made an expression that said: Why should I call first? I'll wait and see, the first person to call me will get a reward.

These actions didn't feel stiff even in the sky, and on the camera, he manipulated the phone to be seen in the best position, making it the star of the photo while his slightly playful expression became the perfect embellishment.

"It's great! I love him, he's the one I was imagining." The sponsor passionately praised.

The photographer was also going crazy, as soon as Zhou Yun Sheng changed his pose he'd shoot non-stop, the camera flashes were constant, almost enough to blind. A lift of a hand, a turn of his face, even a raise of an eyebrow or a blink of an eye, all his motions were so clever and moving, each photo was picturesque.

And so, when Zhou Yun Sheng relaxed his hands and feet to change his pose, Jeffrey suddenly stopped him, "Well done Romeo, you can come down."

"But I've only been up here for three minutes." Zhou Yun Sheng held on to the cell phone, his expression was flawless and somewhat aggrieved.

Before Jeffery could reply, the sponsor beckoned, "Come down child, we've already gotten the photo we most wanted. You're awesome!"

The photographer touched his nose, embarrassed, "I already used up all your 30 shots, we can't take anymore. Kid, you're the darling of the camera, you'll have no trouble." In fact, he'd taken more than 100 photos in those three minutes. He was very satisfied with each one, and each one was difficult to let go, but this couldn't be said in public, or the other players will find it unfair.

"Come down, be careful." Jeffrey let the mechanic slowly lower the teenager back to the ground, encouraging, "You stayed strong and did very well."

Zhou Yun Sheng nodded and turned to see all the contestants looking at him with jealous eyes, except Emily, Hayden, and a red-haired woman.

Emily didn't regard him as an opponent, Hayden was too afraid to pay any attention to him and the red haired woman was just open-minded. Zhou Yun Sheng remembered that her name wasIvana Brewster, a very strong name, her height was 180 cm, the tallest of all the female contestants, and she had a bit of masculine charm.

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