Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

At that time Keigo had been looking at things through his phone before he nudged Ivy. "Babe, is there a TV anywhere around here?"

Ivy nodded her head and she pointed to the large TV on the side of the room. "Why ask?"

"Turn it on the news station." Keigo stated

She did what he told her and she sat down as she saw the demon king Arturo being in front of a podium where he had been waiting for people to quiet down so he could speak. Once everyone was quiet he began to speak.

"Greetings to all near and far-My name is King Arturo Bruno of the demon kingdom. I have been called out not just by the lone princess of the Siren royals Ivy Soto but by her father who was supposed to be dead-Simon Soto. It has come to light that I have done some very questionable things towards the Soto royal family. So I have asked all of you to be here to answer questions and to clear things up. First thing I wish to clear up is the night that Ivy Soto had been kicked out of the kingdom's royal manor. Yes I had pushed the hand of the late queen-but no one else agreed to stand up for the child. It shouldn't have been just me that got called out for what had happened that night."

The elder male adjusted his overcoat before he spoke once more. "Now as for what has now happened to the crown-seeing as the late king did not actually die. Ivy has more time to exploit herself and become impure. Do you people really want someone like her as your queen? Someone who will open her legs for anyone-"

At that time Ivy turned the TV off before she dropped the remote and she looked at Elias, Kou and Keigo. "We're going to see my father and we're going to ask for him to remove Arturo from his position-if he doesn't I will kill that mother fucker!" Ivy said angered

Elias went in front of her and held her shoulders in his hands. "Ivy, think about this before you go and do such a thing. Do you really wish to place out there just how violent you are?"

"I would rather be known as a violent princess than like that bitch Emma!"

Elias sighed out before he shut his eyes and calmed himself before he looked at Ivy seriously. "If that's the case then let's go. I know I cannot do anything to make you think otherwise-I know he has provoked you and you cannot see to reason right now."

"Thank you." Ivy said before the four of them left out

When they got to the large manor in the middle of the city Rose was waiting for them outside of it. "I was hoping to see you, your father is worried about you princess."

"As he should...I'm going to kill the demon king!" Ivy stated seriously "Nothing against you, Joel or your mother, but he is making me hate demons very quickly."

"I am aware, but he doesn't speak for all of us. There are those who are happy that you are how you are and ignore his words." Rose stated as she opened the doors to the manor

Ivy went inside first with the others behind her, as she went to the throne room her father was pacing until he saw her, he went straight up to her and hugged her tightly. "Daughter, thank goodness you are here."

"I want to kill the demon king." She stated seriously

"I know why, and you will have your chance soon enough. We just need to get to the demon kingdom." He said firmly

"I cannot go there to protect her, Angels are not permitted into the kingdom of Demons." Elias stated

"I can go in your stead, As a demon and one who doesn't have a royal to protect-it'd be my honor to protect the princess on her journey." Rose said as she bowed her head

She's MINE [MHAx Diabolik Lovers love story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang