Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

When Ivy had gotten to the Dungeon she saw that the guard was asleep. She went straight up to the guard and kicked them in the gut. "What the fuck are you doing sleeping on the job?! You don't get paid for being a lazy piece of shit! Now where the hell is Simon?"

"I-I'm sorry Princess...Your brother-"

"That asshole is not my brother!" She interrupted pissed

"I-I is down that way ma'am."

Ivy went down the hall that he pointed down and she saw her brother asleep she kicked at the bars "Oi asshole wake the fuck up!"

Simon opened his eyes only to see his youngest sister. "Well-well, look what the bitch dragged in."

"Go fuck yourself, I hope you enjoyed your last night of sleep. die."

"What no trial?"

"Tch, you get no trial. It is clear as fucking day what happened anyways I'll be having Emma and her 'suitors' going through the same thing you are today as well. She's done me just as much wrong as you have."

"You know...if you weren't such a goody toe shoes bitch, I wouldn't have had to do what I did."

"Big talk from someone who can't even kill our own father. But let me tell you this much you did wrong by killing both our parents. I'mma let you in on something that you probably never knew about our dear loving parents. Mom always had a favorite. That favorite was always you. So say you would have killed father successfully. I would have had no other choice but to be forced to be stripped of my title and everything would have gone to you. Cause mom loved you oh so fucking much. Do you know what always happened when I was being taught by our parents?"

He just stared at her in disbelief.

"Mother would always compare me to you, always saying 'oh your brother is so much better than you in this-why do I even try' or 'Why can't you be like your brother, at least he has a brain'. Had you not been so fucking stupid to kill mother you wouldn't be here and you'd be on that throne right now probably with some bitch that mother would have thought you'd be good with that or with Rose since you had impregnated her before she had a miscarriage."

Simon looked down upset "So...I fucked up."

"Whatever the case may be, your life ends today. You will be pampered like a prince one last time, before your death as will Emma and her suitors. Everyone will know what has come to be over the last few years." Ivy said before she turned on her heel and looked at the guard.

"You are to take him up to his chambers and make sure that he is prepared for his death tonight. He is to be wearing his royal attire, nothing else. He is then escorted to the main street by you. If you fail to do this, expect to be out of a job."

The guard nodded his head before he did what he was told. Ivy then went up to the top floor where Kou and Keigo were waiting with Joel and Elias. "So Princess?" Elias asked

"I have confirmed with my own eyes that my father, the king, is still alive and well and I have also confirmed that my shit of an ass brother is alive as well. Tonight Simon will die as will Emma for conspiring with Simon against me with her guards. Elias take Keigo with you and you two will be getting those three from Emma's apartment."

Elias bowed his head before he looked at Keigo. "Let's fly, I know where they live."

Keigo kissed Ivy's cheek. "I'll see you soon."

"That you will stay close to Elias dear."

The two then left out, Ivy then looked at Joel. "I need you and Kou to round up all of the TV station crews around the area, tell them where to go and explain that there is going to be a four person execution."

Joel bowed his head. "Yes princess." He said before he looked at Kou. "We're going by car, let's go."

Kou hugged Ivy tightly. "See you soon Ivy."

Ivy hugged him back."That you will dear."

Once the four males were gone, she called for some of the maids to help her get ready for the evening's event. Due to how old she was the priest had heard word of what she was doing and came up to her while she was finished getting her outfit on.

"Princess, I have heard that you are going to be executing those who have done you wrong. You are too young to be doing so."

"My father is not dead and has given me the blessing that I need to right the wrongs to those who have wronged me. I will not let the people know about the life of my dear loving father, but I will state that I have his blessing before I proceed on with what I will do tonight." Ivy stated as she looked at the elder male

He sighed out with his eyes shut before he looked at her sadly. "If that is what you wish then I will be at your side during this. It will mentally drain you for days, you will need to rest for at least four days before you are able to go about your life normally again."

"Then so be it. Everyone will know tonight why we have the age of crowning where we do. The ignorance that people have will be silenced on this night. Priest Rosso, I know that you are concerned for me and I thank you for having that concern but I will be alright. Joel, Elias, Kou and Keigo will all be there to help me if and when I need the help." Ivy said as she had her hands together in front of her

Rosso took a deep breath and shook his head. "Very well, if that's the case then at least allow me to escort you there. To the world you are the last of your Kin."

She nodded her head in agreement. "That I will allow, thank you."

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