Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

She soon heard the door shut and she sighed out before she called one of her bandmates. She soon got a hold of her. "Sup Ivy?"

"Hey Maria...So found out that I have Keigo Takami and fucking Kou Mukami living with me the fuck did you and Tara get those bracelets you have for Ruki and Chisaki and her for Dabi and Kanato?"

The female laughed before she sighed out. "Oh you poor soul, I was wondering when I'd get this call. I'll send you a link. I'm surprised you didn't get anything in the mail about them."

"Girl you know I never get mail other than bills."

"Ever looked in your mailbox?"

Ivy was quiet and Maria sighed out. "You don't look do you?"

"I'm going now...I don't look cause it's usually bills that I have taken out of my bank account automatically." Ivy said as she grabbed her keys from her side table and left the room.

She then took her phone from her ear, placing it on mute. "You boys stay here, I'm going out for a bit to check my mail."

She then left the house and she went down the steps for three floors as she unmuted her phone. "This is bull shit...I didn't think I needed to check my damn mail."

Maria laughed. "You'd think that right? But it's how they get things out."

Ivy got to her mail slot and she opened it. Mail ended up overflowing out of it. "Aw fuck."

"I'mma let you go, let me know if I need to send you a link."

"Alright...Thanks Maria."

The call ended and she bent down to get the mail from the ground as she placed her phone in her back pocket. She grabbed it all before she grabbed everything from the slot itself placing it all in a large pile placing a package that was with it on top. She then went back up the steps and kicked the door. "Oi one of you boys let me in!"

The door soon opened and it shut behind her. "Thank you." She said before she placed everything on the counter.

Ivy then sorted through everything placing them in different piles. Once she got to the package she placed it to the side before she found an envelope that was instantly swept towards the package. She raised an eyebrow at the fact that it moved before she could read it.

"Okay...I'm guessing they go together?"

She then sighed before she felt herself being pushed towards them, she went towards them and opened the letter first only to see that it was a letter from an unknown sender. She read it aloud so the two could hear what it said.

"Hello, and good day to whomever this concerns. Depending on when you see this you may have one or two men within your housing area. If you have one then you have nothing to worry about, discard this and listen to what your person says, if you have two then please read this carefully and with an open mind."

She rubbed between her eyes before she sighed out stressed. "I'm as open minded as I can get with two highly popular people in my apartment." She muttered to herself before she continued reading the letter. "Depending on who you get randomly depends on what will happen to you. For the person who happens to get Keigo Takami and Kou Mukami you will have much to worry about. Once they are able to be seen by the public you will need to be seen by the public with them. If by chance they are together and are in the same place, they must announce it so, if not then they will be taken out by one of the others to remove them from the experiment all together."

Ivy stiffened reading what she had. "Well I'm a rather popular singer in a band from around here-so that's not a problem. Just you two need to fucking play nice with one another and state that I ain't just with you but with the other as well. That means no more glaring or fighting with one another."

She felt as if someone was hugging her but ignored it as she continued reading the letter. "As a result of this experiment we're asking all people who get two males to wear a certain bracelet to be able to see them since it has been shown that due to the mixture of times messes with the mind of those who live in this world. Good luck and if you have any questions call the hotline number down below."

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