A Day In The Life of Paprika Maximoff-Romanoff

Start from the beginning

That's annoying.

Paprika taps her again. "Meow?" She taps her a few more times for good measure. "Meow!"

"Paprika, shut up," Natasha mumbles.

Paprika just meows again. She curls up where she stands, lying halfway on Wanda's covered face. Her disappointment forgotten, she purrs contentedly and closes her eyes.

So maybe it's not morning enough.

That's okay. They can start their day together later.


"Pappy!" Wanda calls from the kitchen. "Pappy, Pappy, Pappy!"

Paprika runs circles around her, rubbing against her legs desperately as she waits for her gift.

"Someone's excited," Natasha remarks, watching the cat with an amused smile.

That someone is Paprika! Paprika knows this! Paprika is very excited!

Wanda puts her foot bowl down on the floor. "Eat!"

Paprika wastes no time in following those instructions. She runs up to the bowl and shoves her face in it, lapping up the food in front of her. Is this chicken? This tastes like chicken. There's definitely something chicken-flavored in here. She loves chicken.

"Now, what do we want for breakfast?" Natasha asks her girlfriend.

"Hm..." Wanda thinks for a few moments. "Do we have any leftover pancakes?"

"You ate those yesterday, remember?" Natasha says. "If you want pancakes, you're gonna have to do it the hard way."

Wanda frowns dramatically. "I need to make them?"

Natasha nods, an exaggerated look of sympathy on her face. "You need to make them."

Wanda walks up to her girlfriend and rests her chin on her shoulder. "Or," she says, "I could use my secret weapon."

"Oh, yeah?" Natasha cocks an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

Wanda moves her face closer to her girlfriend's, her chin staying carefully on her shoulder. "I could look at you like this until you break down and make me pancakes."

Natasha just stares at her.

And Wanda stares back.

So Natasha keeps staring.

And Wanda keeps staring back.

Until finally, Natasha sighs, overly dramatic in her tone. "I'll make some pancakes."

Wanda picks her chin up off her girlfriend's shoulder, beaming. "I knew it would work."

"You're lucky I love you." Natasha kisses her girlfriend's cheek, and then she sets about making pancakes.

Paprika keeps eating her food as Natasha gathers what she needs. She likes this. She likes that she can eat and watch what her two favorite people ever are doing. Do all cats have this luxury? Probably not, she reasons. Not all cats have two favorite people as favoriteable as her two favorite people.

Natasha's in the middle of mixing in the dry ingredients and the milk when Wanda hugs her from behind, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist. Natasha stops what she's doing and looks back at her girlfriend, and Wanda just smiles. When it becomes clear that Wanda has no intention to move, Natasha continues mixing everything as though she weren't even there.

Paprika's intrigued. She's never seen them make pancakes before.

Actually, that's not true. They do this all the time.

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