They made sure to close and lock the door behind themselves as the two slipped inside the office. "Why, now, don't you seem to be awfully popular, Mister Michaelis," Ciel sneered as Y/N tore off her jacket.

"Indeed," Sebastian agreed as he stood up from his desk. "They all praise my easily comprehensible explanations and my kindness."

"If only they knew about your real methods," Y/N huffed. "God I can't breathe in this thing," she muttered as she made quick work of the cinches and buckles on the back of her corset.

"Yes, if only they could experience those first hand," Ciel scoffed as he threw his own textbook down on Sebastian's desk. "But that is beside the point. We were invited to a P4 gathering tomorrow at 4 p.m." Ciel explained to his butler as he helped the Earl slip out of his jacket.

"I have heard," Sebastian mused as he collected both Y/N and Ciel's jackets and placed them to the side.

"This is a rare opportunity," Ciel sighed as he took the chair across from Sebastian's desk while Y/N threw herself into Sebastian's own cushy chair. She almost melted into it, she was so exhausted. "We must get the P4 and their inner circle to take a shine to at least one of us."

"Ciel preferably," Y/N spoke up. "I don't want to take too many chances with my disguise. One wrong slip and I'll be set to burn tied to a stake in the courtyard. I'm not second guessing my own skills, or either of yours, but I would prefer if we played this safe. I can get favors by looking and sounding more feminine, but if I let too much slip this whole mission is down the proverbial drain. Ciel can take whatever kind of a lead he would like, but just know I'm going to start falling behind a bit."

"That's likely for the best," Ciel agreed. "After all, only one of us can become Clayton's Fag. It would make his decision much easier to predict and plan accordingly if the right decision was more obvious. How will you go about fading into the background?"

"I'll start by talking less. Eventually the pressure will get to me and I'll stop doing such an amazing job on the chores he gives to us. It's basic but it should easily be enough to make you appear to be the obvious better choice," Y/N sighed. "But making you shine is just as important as making me seem a bit more dull. What shall we be putting into place to achieve that?"

"First, I must have tea cakes," Ciel grumbled as Sebastian finished pouring both nobles their cups of tea.

"Quite right, sir," Sebastian agreed as he finished up his preparations for their snacks.

"Why in blazes do I have to do something so inane like hand out cakes to children," Ciel muttered.

"Is it not adorably novel though?" Sebastian smirked. "You can win them over with real sweets instead of the monetary kind. However, I am due to coach cricket tomorrow at 4 p.m.... Which would you have me prioritize?" The demon asked as he served the two nobles their hot cups of tea. 

"Since when did you coach?" Y/N couldn't help but ask as she tried not to laugh. "I can't really see you as much of an athletic or competitive type." Y/N was aware that Sebastian was most likely the most athletic being on the planet, and he showed a flash of his competitive nature during the curry competition against West. Still, Y/N was having a very difficult time entertaining the idea of Sebastian coaching a team of teenage boys in cricket.

"My duties as a Housemaster far exceed that of simply teaching and tutoring my students," Sebastian replied somewhat smugly. "If you order it, I can lay in wait nearby."

"I highly doubt we'll be coming to blows. We'll be fine on our own," Ciel sighed. "But, in exchange... I command you, Sebastian. Make me something that will knock the socks off the P4!"

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓'𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓: 𝕮𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖙Where stories live. Discover now