Chapter 15 - One Last Moment with Him

Start from the beginning

"Oh my goodness, Rebecca! You're awake!"

"Uh-huh," I said a bit groggily. "Wow, what an experience..."

"You're telling me. The second they took you out of the set, I went and changed and came right over. You were in surgery, so I waited, and then they brought you out an hour ago, and I've been here since. Golly, I'm glad you're okay."

A tear leaked from her eye, and I had to chuckle. "Of course I'm okay. It was just a foot break."

"A foot break that required surgery," she retorted, then pointed to my foot. I looked at it. It was in a thick cast as it was sitting on a couple of cushions to elevate it. "You're not going to be doing anything on your feet for the next few months."

"I guess that means I'm back to being in wheelchair," I grumbled. "Oh well. Hey." She looked at me, her brown eyes big and beautiful. "Um... is Elvis still on the set?"

She nodded. "Yes. He wanted to come as soon as you left, too, but they had to finish that tambourine number, as well as other scenes. They just put in another woman in place of you. Really, you shouldn't have done that dance."

"I know, I know. What's done is done." Elvis's image came to mind again. "I really want to see him..."

Mary Ann held my hand in both of hers. "I know, honey. I bet he'll be here as soon as he can." She giggled. "You've taken all of your blocks down regarding him, huh?"

"There's really no use in fighting it anymore. I already told him I love him, and he's told me the same thing."

She gasped. "You told him you love him?" She squealed with glee. "Oh my goodness, that's wonderful! It's about time! I bet he was over the moon."

"He was. Now, I just want to see him." Hot, stinging tears leaked from my eyes as my chest pinched. "I feel like a horrible human being for what I did to him. I'm just so headstrong and stubborn."

Mary Ann's features turned gentle, and she moved some hair out of my face. "Hey, you're not a horrible human being, okay? You were just playing hard-to-get, and I think that just made the both of you want each other more. Plus, he's serious about you. He severed ties with the other women in his life just to show how serious he is. With Elvis, that's huge."

I smirked. "Yeah... I guess it is, considering how much of a womanizer he is."

"He's not anymore."

Someone knocked on the hospital room door, and in came Dr. Sampson, as I learned his name to be. He saw me awake. "Oh, Miss Hasam, wonderful! You're awake."

"That I am," I said as he came over. He saw Mary Ann.

"Miss Mary Ann Mobley, it's a pleasure. My wife and daughter are big fans."

She gave him a gracious smile. "Thank you so much. Tell them I say hello. I'll write them a note, actually."

"That would be great." He looked at me as Mary Ann got out a pen and paper from her purse and started writing. "Well, Miss Hasam, your surgery went smoothly. You'll be in a cast for four months, and during those four months, I don't want you to be on that foot at all. Understood?"

He reminded me of my father with that look he was giving me. "Understood. I learned my lesson."

"Good. Now, you are free to go whenever you want. Just have you and your party sign release forms, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Dr. Sampson."

"Not a problem. I enjoyed meeting you, but don't make a habit of it."

His blue eyes twinkled, and I chuckled. "I'll try not to." He about left, but I stopped him. "I'm sorry... I was just wondering if Elvis showed up."

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