chapter forty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Sure, sure. That's what they all say."

"Anyway," I shake my head and tip my chin toward his silver ring, "Congrats again on the wedding. How's married life treating you?"

He leans back in his chair, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. Small circles of colour sprout across his cheekbones, "It's going really well, better than what people were trying to scare me off with. I mean, we were basically married before without the legality of signing papers."

I pinch my lips together, giving him a thoughtful nod, "So Tegan hasn't kicked you out yet?" I refer to his now wife, Tegan, whom he had previously been dating for almost seven years.

"Still quite early, could happen any time now," he flashes me a smile with a glint in his dark blue eyes. He's hopelessly in love with his wife, and even if she were to kick him out, he would stay close by and grovel for days to be with her again.

And for the first time, I know what that feels like. To be hopelessly in love that I don't want to spend a second apart from my girlfriend. Even coming here today, knowing the reason, half of me was fighting with the other half for insisting that she stay behind. That it should be me who does this because if it backfires, I want none of it to affect Blondie. But yet, a small part of me still yearns to have her with me.

"What's up with you? I heard through the grapevine that you got yourself a new girlfriend." Collins is very much the older version of Ryan, who can't hide a single thought or emotion from crossing their face. A taunting grin curls at his lips as his eyes glean with amusement.

"Fucking hell, Ryan," I mumble under my breath. I forgot that she still has those long-standing Sunday brunches with her family, where they love to gossip and catch up. Apparently, I've been a popular topic as of late, considering how even Collins knows about Blondie.

But despite my words, there's a soft smile, knowing Ryan only means well for Blondie.

"That's a long story."

"I'll bet," he arches a brow, "But I'm sure you didn't come all this way to discuss your love life."

Drawing air into my lungs, I heave a sigh, "No, I didn't."

He leans forward, interlacing his fingers and placing them before him, "What can I help you with?" His tone suddenly takes on a hint of professionalism.

"I need some advice."

His brows pinch together, concern pooling in his eyes as if recalling the last time I asked for his help, "Is this about Flint?"

I shake my head, "No, thankfully, he remains buried in the past," I haven't heard from my old coach since he got fired, and I would like it to stay that way, "But I'm having issues with his protégé."

Collins' features harden at the mention of Sinclair. I almost forgot that in the process of hurting Ryan, he also betrayed Collins, who happens to be her brother.

I remember Blake telling me that Ryan didn't tell her brother what exactly happened between her and Sinclair. But it still had to hurt to know that his best friend betrayed his trust when it came to his sister.

I don't bother questioning how Collins could have ever been friends with Sinclair because, like many people, Collins only got to see the show he put on for the world, not the different facets and personalities he really has.

He leans back into his chair again, getting comfortable and starts swivelling. Though the hard lines on his face, the tightness around his lips doesn't ease.

"So, Sinclair is back to his fucking tricks," his eyes roam over the desktop, skimming over the contents as he works his jaw, "What do you need my help with?"

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