chapter forty-five

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"Move in with me."

Bailey pauses, her hand stills in mine as she stares at me with wide eyes. The green hue in her eyes is barely prevalent as it rims her dilated pupils. It's only been a few days since we got back together. Most of it was spent away in Chicago and then Kansas City for my game.

Today's our first official day back and a day off from work and school—for her. We hadn't officially been back for more than a few hours, and I immediately asked her to come out with me. After grabbing lunch, we are now wandering around the small town of Elmwood when I look across at her, with her hand perched softly in mine and ask the question.

Her skin is delicate against my callouses, but despite the warmth and tingling of my palms, it feels right in my hand. Like it belongs there.

Amusement colours my face as I stare down at her stunned expression. Her pouty lips part in shock, her eyes roam across my face to judge how serious I am with my question. I take the opportunity to study her outfit again, which once again makes me appreciate every aspect of her. It's slightly chilly today, evident by her oversized knitted sweater and jeans.

"Tell me you're joking," she tugs me back to stop. With a crooked grin—her eyes dropping to my cheek—I jolt her to me.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"I can't really tell." There's an airiness in her tone.

I use her dazed mind to my advantage, "If you think you can stay in that dingy apartment alone, then you're mistaken."

She shakes her head before fixing me with a glare. Her piercing eyes only bring a widening smile to my face. "There's nothing wrong with my apartment."

"Are we talking about the same apartment? The one with the cracked paint, no proper security, and no code or key to enter the building." I squeeze her fingers in mine and reach my other hand to flick her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Yeah," she rolls her eyes, "But I'm not moving in with you because of the condition of my building."

"Why not? What's wrong with moving in with me?"

"We just got back together," she blanches, attempting to take a step away, but I wrap my arm around her hip, keeping her pressed against me. Her startled exhale washes across my jaw as she stares up at me.

"Didn't realize there was a timeline to when things needed to happen?" I whisper as I peer down into her eyes. Noting the faint freckles that spot the bridge of her nose, I admire how her lips part for me.

I ignore the looks of passing people who ogle and judge our abundance of public display. I'm tired of hiding our relationship, keeping my touches and kisses secret. Being cautious of if our friends will spot us on campus. I don't care if someone recognizes me.

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