How Will We Continue?

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It was decided that Madeline would stay with the Nektons. They offered her a suit of her own but she denied. Saying that it was wrong enough as it was just letting the meddling do-gooders that the Nektons are help her. She also claimed that she was only letting the Nektons help her because if she didn't let them she would be turned into WOA as an orphan and put up for adoption. And God knows that no one wants that. So with the Nektons she stayed, she was becoming good friends with ant but the only person she entirely got along with on the sub was Fontaine. She claimed that Fontaine reminded her of Finn.

"Hey, Fontaine can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Fontaine was on her computer when Madeline walked into her room. Madeline's manners have changed greatly over the past year and a half that she was with the Nektons. "Shoot."

"How... how was your relationship with my brother? You don't have to answer is you don't want to, but I could tell that you two were close."

"Yes, yes we were close and I am glad I got to know someone like him. But there was always something about him that made me question everything. Like he would call me and tell me what your family was planning to do if it included an attack or stealing something. But then there was also when he was actually near me in person, he would always seem a little nervous and anxious. Why?"

"Oh... I was just wondering."

"Oh, yeah. Maddy you are terrible at hiding things. Worse than Ant even."

"Well... Ummm... I, I found this letter yesterday in my locket that I finally managed to get open. I was wondering if you knew what it meant." Madeline then handed a neatly folded piece of paper to Fontaine. It read;

'Dear, Maddy. If you are reading this, I am most likely "dead" but I assure you that I will return one way or another. I guess it depends on how I died. I gave you this locket so that you can always carry around a part of our family. This was originally our mom's locket, but now it is passed onto you. If you opened it carefully enough you should still have the key that it carried. Give that key to Fontaine and tell her to use it on the necklace I gave her. It to is a locket and has another letter that could help you both. Now, you may be wondering why I gave one to you, Maddy and one to Fontaine, but, well I had to give something to my two favorite people in the world.'

Madeline's eyes were once again brimmed with tears, and Fontaine felt warm on the inside. But mainly she was very confused, what had he meant by 'one way or another'. But he was dead! She looked over to Madeline who was holding back tears. She opened her arms wide as an invitation for a hug and Madeline greatly accepted.

It was clear that Madeline, has changed. But, as most people could expect, she still holds dearly onto the past. She refuses to let go the fact that she has lost her crew and her family. The only people in the world that even began to take her seriously and the people who cared most for her. She still thinks that through everything that she can still be a pirate, the best one at that too! Though, no matter how hard the Nektons try... no matter how hard anyone tries, she still thinks-even stronger after she discovered the letter- that her family, at least Finn, is still alive. Just trying to teach her a lesson. But, if it were to that point. She would be returned to her family, because, she has learned so much over time, and should've, could've learned a lesson in that time.


Authors Note!!!: Heyo, I just want to say thank you if you have enjoyed reading this story so far! It really means a lot to me. But, lets be honest. How many of you had the song 'One Way or Another' pop into your head when you read that one part? 'Cause I sure as heck did! IDK anymore, my mind is like a computer, there are 43 tabs open, 17 are buffering, 2 are lagging, only 1 is properly functioning, and where is that music coming from?

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