Chapter 12. Gravestones.

Start from the beginning

He stopped talking. His words made place for tears. Unspoken words drowned in sadness. He just stared. Stared at the body. My body.

His words made more freedom. He had place for the sobs.

He broke down. And I knew I shouldn't approach him. It's merely a dream after all. But yet I couldn't resist.

"Asmodeus." I called out.

Shocked, he looked at me. He waited before he spoke, staring at me. "No, this can't be.. you're dead. This isn't possible! Get out of my head!"

Oh, so he thinks I'm fake. I really do have the weirdest dreams. I don't think he would actually say that.

"Asmodeus, its me. Yes I'm dead, but that doesn't mean that I'm not here. Im real, but I'm stuck here as a ghost."

"A ghost..? What is that..?" he said. I still couldn't see his face. Yet I knew he was drowning in despair. His voice trembled with every word, and his hands were shaking.

"A ghost is the soul or a part of somebody's soul that can't go to the afterlife."

"Soul..? Afterlife..?"

"I don't really know how to explain it, but a soul is a part of the body. Its the thing that lets you feel love and pain, happyness and sorrow. And when someone feels like they have lived a full life, that soul can go to the afterlife. To be reborn again. But im stuck here, and I think I know why."

"This is all because of me isn't it...? That you are stuck here, and.."

He stopped, taking a look at my body yet again, tears leaving his eyes.

I would hate to lie to him, even if this is a dream, but he is the main reason why my body is there and I don't think I can fool him. I don't want to either.

"No, you are a part of it, but I am the real reason. I'm sorry. I know I shoulden't have done it. I should have realized that you and Clara didn't mean what you said and that it was all fake. I just felt this feeling in my chest. Like my life didn't matter anymore, that I had no place to go back to and no place to call hom and that I had to do this. I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

He was crying, softly sobbing, repeating that he was the reason over and over again. I slowly walked towards him, sitting next to him. I could finally see his face. His eyes were a crimson red, the bags underneath black and swollen. His cheeks looked plump and puffy while his lips were white and trembling, trying to hide the sorrow. I wanted to hug him, but knew this wasn't a good idea, so I instead made another idea.

"I will be going to the afterlife soon. Its not good for me to stay here. Could you do me three favours before I go? If you would do that for me, I will be forever grateful."

He slowly looked up to my face, I could see my soft smile directly reflect in his eyes. "Yes, yes I will. Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not worthy of your forgiveness, master."

I coulden't help but sigh while my attention focused on my body. I knew this would happen. It may be a dream, but its still Asmodeus.

"So, for one, could you burn my body? I know it sounds gross, but I don't want others to see me."

I looked at him again. He looked like he was resisting somewhere inside. Does he not feel comfortable with burning?

"If you want to, you could also burry my body. I know you probably woulden't want to burn it. I also think it will be good for you to be able to visit my grave once in a while."

He still didn't like the task I had given him, but nonetheless he nodded and got to work.

He used magic to lift up the ground and slowly carried my body to the grave, burying it once my body was in place. He then tried making a gravestone, yet he looked more and more upset at every attempt he made.

Growing a little impatient, I pointed at a random gravestone. "I like that one, could you use it? Please don't engrave my name in it though."

"Yes of course" he said while placing the tomb over my grave.

"Thank you very much, by the way, you and Clara came up with this together right?" He nodded. "Then, could you tell Clara the plan worked, and that I returned home safely? Please don't tell he what happened. I already feel horrible."

He then forced a smile on his face. "I will."

"Third, would you please move on and stop blaming yourself? It hurts me so much thinking about you blaming yourself. You shoulden't, and as your master that will be my last command."

"No, this isn't right! I should be blamed and only me! I was the one who originally set the plan up, I'm the one who made you feel horrible and I'm the reason that you are gone! Please just punish me or take me with you, please I beg of you, master."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please stop it. It hurts." I coulden't stop crying. Even though this was a dream, I felt horrible. If I even make one person feel like this when I die, I'll never forgive myself.

I slowly felt an arm wrap around me. It felt warm. I let myself go, and just sink into the hug.

"I'm sorry. I can't promise you that I won't cry or blame myself for it, but I'll promise you that I will try. I will try to not blame myself, I'll try not to hurt myself. But if I do, will you forgive me?"

I nodded as I felt the cold tears drip down my cheeks. After a while the tears got warmer. They had merged with the guy crying above me.

And all I could think of is.

If I really do die, will everyone be as sad as in my dream?


Hello, I'm back with a new chapter. I hope you guys had a great day, I know I didn't. But that makes me only write more. After this chapter, I can assure you things will get better. I already made someone cry and I honestly feel horrible about it.

Though its also the best compliment you can get for an angst book.

Nonetheless, this chapter is a little longer again, and once I read trough it again it will gain even more words.

Till then, have a great day and cya next week!

--4 January

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