33: venting

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The next day, Hasine's POV

The door opened and Hisagi walked in" hey! The soldier is back!" Renji said, when he didn't answer we looked at each other" are you ok?" I asked" I just learned something really depressing, souls, that take refuge in the living world are in even more danger than the ones that roam.

That was the case when we got to the abandoned warehouse where 2 people were defending the place from the hollows, the sad part is that 50 of them had already been eaten over the years and the guy we were talking to said they became a family, there were 150 of them in there, Andriy said he had been protecting them since he died and before he met Borysko years later." Hisagi explained, tears coming to his eyes.

"That will never leave you, it's what comes with the job, it's sad but we have to accept it even if we hate it." Rukia, I hummed sitting up" what's up?" Kiri asked.

"I have a lot in common with you, how much, I don't know. When I was 16 we had just killed a hollow, the 10th one near an abandoned silk factory when we saw a monk's soul wielding a sword as if he was preparing to kill it, we asked him why he was guarding the place and he took us inside. 

Turns out he was guarding 200+ souls, the ones we guided to the soul reapers in the area were wandering around outside of the factory, we found him in the park along with a few of his friends from different towns and took them there and that's when he explained the backlog of souls in the town.

They found out about it a month before and had no idea where they were, it was just heartbreaking when the monk told us that one by one their friends were disappearing and thought hollows were doing it, what were we supposed to do? We didn't even know.

A month after I got here I went straight to Little India in the eastern 41st district where they were assigned where they're now living happily and apologized to the ones we forced to cross over without their friends and family." I explained, starting to cry myself.

"Those are the hardships for the people who can see spirits." Hinamori said" I felt so guilty when I found out! I cried my eyes out for the entire night and never got a wink of sleep at that time! A year earlier one was screaming not to come here saying she had friends somewhere, we had no idea where and when we found out some of the spirits in that warehouse were her friends, Molia burst into tears and was screaming bloody murder with her sobbing!" I shot back.

Hinamori reeled back, and Kiri cringed" I'm sorry, now I know how Hisagi feels." She said," when all those souls were in there did people go ghost hunting?" Aaron asked," no, no one did, they wanted to respect whoever was in there fearing one of the spirits gaining an attachment and bringing them home or just bad luck in general." I said.


A black abyss appeared in front of us and a hollow came out" what number hollow is this?" Qassim asked," the 10th hollow, have at it." Molia said chucking the rock at him, he swung and it went into the back of its head making it disintegrate" why would a hollow want to attack an abandoned silk factory?" Kamila asked," I think I found our answer." I said pointing over to a monk's soul holding a sword looking ready to attack.

Walking over we put our hands up in surrender" there are no more hollows in the area, you're safe, can you please put the sword down?" Anaisha said," I would love to but I'm protecting the factory." He said" why are you guarding an abandoned factory? There's no one in there from what we know." Qassim said," yes there are, follow me." He said leading us into the factory where a couple of hundred souls are hanging out.

The ones closest to the door were terrified" wait, did the other souls we guided to the Soul Reapers come from here?" I asked as Molia started crying" remember the soul that was screaming not to go to Soul Society saying she's leaving her friends behind here? I think some of these guys might be her friends.

"She hiccuped and fell to her knees, our eyes widened" it's true, one by one our friends have been disappearing and we feared those monsters took them for food but they're safe from what you say, what about the rest of us?" He asked, we looked at each other.

"Molia, can you stay here and explore the place and see how many there are, we have to get someone." I said," there are over 200 of us in here, there is no need to explore." He said," it's just in case." I said and we ran out to go and find Sajo. 45 minutes later arrived at the park where sure enough he was there talking to a few comrades from other towns" hey, what's up?" He asked.

"We purified a hollow near an abandoned silk factory where we found the soul of a monk and asked why he was guarding the place, as we speak he's guarding over 200 spirits in there, do you know anything about that?" Qassim asked," so you found the backlog of souls, a month ago we got word that there was on here and we have been looking since." He explained," has there been a shortage of those soul butterflies?" Anaisha asked.

"No, we just couldn't find these spirits, can you take us there?" He asked" sure thing, you might want to call in 20 more soul reapers, there are over 200 souls." I said" I figured you were going to say that. I'm sending the message now." He said and launched a soul butterfly that I assumed was a messenger before it vanished altogether then we booked it straight back and upon getting to the warehouse the team was already there.

"This is a nice place for spirits to hide out but it makes it harder to find them. Who are you guys?" One of the Soul Reapers asked," they're the ones that found the souls fukutaicho Muguruma." Sajo said," how?" Muguruma asked," just dumb luck and being in the right place at the right time." I said" understandable, let's go." Muguruma said and they walked in as we opened the doors fully so a whole lot of soul butterflies can fly out the door and through the broken windows.

"I can't imagine how scared the people closest to the door feel when a hollow attacks let alone the rest." Qassim said softly" there was only one guy guarding the door when there should've been 6 or 7 if a bunch of hollows come out of those portals." Anaisha said, she looked a little better from when we left but she was close to falling off the edge of crying her eyes out.

"The reason why there was only one guy guarding the door was that they were either too scared or there was and the others got eaten," Kamila said shaking with anger" why is this so sad?" Qassim said dragging a hand down his face when 35 butterflies flew out of the windows every several seconds along with blue light.

The rest of us walked out of the warehouse as I hung my head remembering the souls we had passed on that were screaming not to, I just hope the spirits here will find their friends in the soul society, lifting my head I watched Molia walk out with 2 soul butterflies on her finger and they took off" who were those?" I asked.

"The screaming girls' friends, they just landed on my hand...and refused to go anywhere until I walked them out." She said, the moment the words left her mouth is when she fell back onto the ground and let it all out scream crying, at this point I let my guilt break free and I started crying as well.

Flashback ends 

"Thanks, I think I feel a little better about this," Hisagi said snapping me out of the memory" is there anything else to that memory you want to add?" Renji asked," while the souls were being sent Molia came walking out with the friends of the girl that came here screaming and they wouldn't go anywhere until she walked them out.

Once they flew off she collapsed crying as I told you and I started crying and later she said those 2 thought her for dead for the longest time." I said, Hisagi hummed sadly as we sat there in silence.

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