Glossary of Terms

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Chakras – The wheels of power of the body that Alchemists use the perform Conversions (or spells). There are Seven Chakras: the Root Chakra (called Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third Eye Chakra (Ajna), and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). Kundalini resides in the Root Chakra until Alchemists activate it to perform Conversions. See Fragments of Alchemy for more information on Chakras.

Chamber of Trials – A large amphitheatre in Blackthorn and Burtree where Chemists perform their various Trials or receive their Decrees (orders for Trials) from the Keeper. This Chamber is also used to hold meetings, as it is one of the largest areas in Blackthorn and Burtree and can contain all the Alchemists and Chemists living there. Advancement Ceremonies are also held in this amphitheatre.

Chandler – A Chemist that has Advanced once and is a high enough rank to have a Protégé. Chandlers with Protégés are called Mentors.

Chemist – The people who can learn Alchemy, usually teenagers. Starting at age 14 people can become Hopefuls and can learn some Alchemy from their Mentors to prepare for a Trial of Entry into Blackthorn and Burtree. If the Hopeful successfully completes his or her Trial, he or she will become a Chemist of Alchemy and can study the Fragments he or she has unlocked with the Trial.

Chimaera – An Alchemical beast created with the Amalgamation Conversion. Chimaeras have an Alchemical link to their Alchemist/Chemist. They can communicate telepathically and empathically with their Alchemist/Chemist. They can even sense each other's five senses.

Often times, two animals are combined together to make a Chimaera that has characteristics of both animals. These Chimaeras have two Spirits, one from each animal, and are said to be stronger than Alchemists because of this. Different animal combinations create different Chimaeras that are often recognized as Mythological Creatures. The given names of famous Chimaeras are often mistaken by Recreants for the names of Mythological creatures, such as Pegasus, Dragon, and Unicorn.

Natural Chimaeras are Alchemical Beasts that are not created with the Amalgamation Conversion, and instead are just bonded with Alchemists and Chemists using the Amalgamation Conversion. These can be rogue Chimaeras that are taken from the wild to be bonded with the Alchemist or Chemist, as well as domesticated Chimaeras which are born and raised by Alchemists. Natural Chimaeras can also be regular animals that are bonded with a Chemist or Alchemist. They need not be the result of combining two animals. These Alchemical Beasts only have one spirit, and are said to be weaker than regular Chimaeras, though some Alchemists believe this is the only humane way to bond with a Chimaera.

Rogue Chimaeras are Alchemical Beasts that have not bonded with Alchemists or Chemists and therefore do not obey anyone. They are like wild unnatural animals with Elemental Powers. They must eat and drink to sustain themselves, unlike regular Chimaeras.

Zenith Chimaeras are Chimaeras that are made of four animals by combining two Chimaeras or by combining all the animals at once. They are very strong but very wily Chimaeras.

Circle Another word for Conversion Circle. The Symbol an Alchemist must draw to perform a Conversion. Also called a Sigil and Symbol.

Component – The ingredients Alchemists use to determine what a Conversion does. Anything found in the natural world can be a Component. Sometimes Alchemists create certain items with Conversions, and these new items become Components for other Conversions.

Component Conservator: An Alchemist whose job is to manage the selling of Components to the Instructors at Blackthorn and Burtree.

Constables: Alchemists who are members of an elite force of neutral agents who protect Alchemy villages and towns around the world. They are concerned with protecting their people from any dangers, including Recreants and Shadow Alchemists. They specialize in the memory Extraction Conversion to ensure that Alchemists remain undetected by Recreants.

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