Best Friends

435 21 8

For GhostyToastx


Tack observed his attire but wasn't very amused by it. Princess Yum Yum and you were seated next to each other in her own room. You interrupted Yum just as she was about to talk about the Tack's outfits. "I agree. It's not that good, the color doesn't match your eyes. You look like an old man!" You started laughing loudly and grabbed Yum's shoulder to stop yourself from losing your balance. Tack nodded as he went to their bathroom to change out of the attire, but Princess Yum Yum felt it looked fine on him. She experienced a familiar feeling, but she disregarded it immediately.

As soon as Tack introduced his friend to Yum, things had always been this way. Yum wasn't bothered by it at all and was happy to make a new friend—especially one with whom she could have conversations—but she also observed how close you two were. Recently, they have been constantly talking and frequently ignoring her as well. Every time she decides to join the conversation, you always decide to leave.

"So, what are you going to wear for the Royal Ball?" Noticing how she was staring at the floor with her arms folded when you asked her, breaking her train of thought.

"Oh, I haven't found an outfit yet," Yum didn't look at you, but you can tell from her tone of voice how serious she was. "How did you learn about the Royal Ball?" She raised an eyebrow as she turned to face you, which briefly made you perspire.

"Oh, Tack came out! Now that outfit is perfect!" Yum turned to where you were pointing when you pointed at your pallid friend who was dressed nicely. You got out of your chair as a young man with tacks in his mouth smiled. You approach your friend and give him a pat on the shoulder while saying, "You look amazing!" He looked away after blushing at your compliment.

(A/N: I will not be adding details to the outfits since I am not sure what Tack or Princess Yum Yum culture is. I do not want to disrespect anyone, thank you)

"No, I am not being dramatic. It's true, right, Princess?" When you turn to face the Princess Yum, she gives you a disapproving frown. She still has crossed arms and a dropped smile. Princess Yum responded with a hint of annoyance, "Yes, I suppose you are right," Yum got up from her seat and made her way to the door, "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go find my own outfit."

Tack moved forward to follow his girlfriend but was stopped by Yum, "Alone." She twisted the doorknob and violently slammed the door. You uncomfortably place your hand back on your head after removing it from Tack's shoulders. "I think she is mad... What do you think pissed her off?" Tack could hear his own heartbeat in his ear as he simply stared at the door while his hands began to sweat profusely.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure, she will cool down. We will continue our plan together," You crept into his line of sight, smiling as you reassured your friend. "I'll go talk to her."


Princess Yum Yum's POV

I can't believe what I just did! I think my feelings got the best of me since I didn't mean to slam it so hard. Although (Y/N) is a gorgeous girl in general, I couldn't bear how close they were. Why do they have to act as though they are a couple? They seem to be meeting up in secret behind my back. While I am engaged in other activities, I am always aware of Tack leaving my room to meet her all the time. Is my relationship with him deteriorating because of a single day they spent away? I really genuinely love him. I'm not sure what to do. Perhaps I should take a bath to relax; a warm, relaxing bath will undoubtedly calm me down.

Nanny came around the corner and smiled at me, "Princess! What are you doing here all alone?"

"Oh, I just want to bathe myself. Nanny, can you get me clean clothes? I forgot about them; I'll go start up the bath." Nanny nodded as I hurriedly hurried to my bathroom. I opened the door and entered the restroom. I turn on the water and allow the tub to fill. I plunged my hand in the water to feel how warm it was. Clean clothes were brought in by my nanny and set on the chair for me. She helped me close the door after I thanked her.


Once I had finished taking a bath, I dressed on clean, appropriate clothing. I left the room and looked (Y/N) in the eye.

"Hey, princess. Wanna talk real quick?" She posed the question while resting her hand on the nape of her neck. I hesitantly nodded.

"What's wrong?" She lowered her hand and fixed a soft-looking gaze on me. No words came out of my mouth when I opened it. Does she need to know? It's embarrassing... No, I must let her know that.

"It's just, seeing you and Tack so close made me feel something..."

"Like what?"

"Do you like him?"

"Yea, I like him. He is my friend."

"No. Do you like him?"

My question caused her eyes to widen, "Me liking Tack?" She slapped her knee and laughed loudly; her cheeks swollen. "Oh, that's rich!" In embarrassment, my cheeks begin to burn up. "Princess, Tack is nice and all, but I actually don't know what you see in him. Like, he isn't really my type of guy and trust me, Tack is head over heels with you. Like every single conversation is always about you, in a romantic way," She gave me a cheeky eye roll and a smile. "Tack loves you very much. You should probably talk to him; he seems bother by you being mad."

My cheeks relax as I take a moment to observe the ground, "I will. One more question: why would you ignore me?"

"I was ignoring you?"

"Yea, you wouldn't answer me."

"Huh, I guess I was so deep in my thoughts because even Tack told me that too." 

We both looked at each other dumbfounded because of her expression before laughing out loud. I was caught off guard as she approached me and pinned me against the wall.

"The fact that Tack was able to catch your attention shocked me. someone equally attractive as you are." Is she actually flirting a princess? My face erupted in color, but my partner quickly shoved my (Y/N) to the side.

"What, Tack? I was just playing."  Tack was standing in front of me as she laughed.

"(Y/N), you said you won't flirt." Tack seemed irritated as he forced his tacks out of his mouth to talk, turned to face me, and blushed a little. "I overheard your conversation. I am really sorry, we made you feel that way. Everything that (Y/N) is true, it's just I wanted to surprise you with something but seeing how hurt you are, I'll have it on hold for a bit. Do you maybe want to talk, just us."

A surprise for me? Is this the reason they kept meeting up? Now it all makes sense! I nodded and gave him a gentle grin. "I'm really sorry how I reacted."

"No need, princess. We understand, now you two love birds have fun, well, not too much if you know what I mean." Tack gave her a playful smack on the shoulder as she laughed out loud, and she winked.


If there mistakes, ignore them. I am too lazy to edit them

Tack The Cobbler x Reader (One-shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora