True Love

392 16 13

For monag1987


I pulled out the key that the royal couple, Queen Yum Yum and King Tack, use to enter their room. I inserted the key into the lock and turned it. I opened the enormous, golden door and stepped inside. The king was seated close to the window and gazing outside when I looked up.

"My king? I'm sorry to have come into your space." I bend my knees and bow my head in respect to the king. The king turned to face me and showed me his iconic tack smile.

"Don't leave... You can clean the room." He gave the instruction gently, and I obeyed him. But as I was doing the bed, I saw he wasn't smiling. His face had softened, his cheeks were puffy and crimson, and his eyes cried out in desperation.

"My king, is there something wrong?" He turned to face me after I inquired, his eyes widening in response, and he opened his mouth to respond.

"I-I... I feel so alone... It doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Is the Queen dissatisfying you?"

"No, it's just... me getting married in the same day that I save the kingdom. It's too much to take in."

I approach my king and pull up a chair so that I may seat down next to him. I stoop my head a little, "I understand. You wanted time to get to know the Queen first." I raised my head to gaze at him after feeling a touch on my chin. "Yes, that's exactly how I feel. How do you know?"

"I have through with it too. I didn't get the chance of get to know my partner, I will admit, I do not have feelings for them."

"...Do you perhaps want to keep doing this? Meet up privately and just talk?"

"If that's what you wish, I'll accept, your highness."

The king smile brightly, "Please, call me Tack."


After that, we continued to meet up, even in perilous circumstances. For instance, when the Queen asked me to bring some juice for them and I returned with it. The Queen told me to return to the palace to clean, but Tack called me and kept chatting with me. We laughed, which caused the Queen to turn her head in our direction. I started to quiver and shiver. I hurriedly asked the king's permission to leave since I didn't want to be punished, but he continued telling me to stay and chat because he was bored with the game in front of him. While the Queen is looking on, he even pulls me in closer. However, I also don't want the Queen to start pursuing me at the same time. But I did agree to speak with him.

Following that incident, the Queen kept a watchful eye on me, and Tack would escape his duties as king and return to find me in tidy quarters. He was always willing to chat to me about anything. Given that he is my king and that you may have me killed if I don't listen to him, I would ordinarily stop cleaning and give him a chance to speak. I'll be honest, I like our conversations and we've been doing this for the past six months, but do I feel anything for him? No, I consider him to be a younger sibling that only needs a little love. In addition, I'm sure he views me as his big sister to rant with... I used to believe that, at least.

Recently, he has been touchier with me, placing his arm around my waist and place his chin on my shoulder while he speaks or simply caressing my hand. You would play with my hair and at some point, he would smell it and compliment me. I knew what these signs are... But I don't do anything about it. I'm a maid. I have to deal with it. He would send me gifts and would like to meet up at night. Which was weird, but I did what he told. 

However, one night, when we got together, we were at the barn where the hay was kept. I unintentionally dozed off on his shoulder and woke up. He was standing behind me, one of his legs crossed over mine as he held me by the waist. I spent some time trying to get out of his grip, but I was eventually successful. He awoke from that and inquired as to my well-being. He needed to be reminded that we were married and that we couldn't continue doing this. He moaned quietly to himself as he lowered his head. When we arrived at the palace, I did my part, and he did his.

He also requested me to meet up with him in his room, which I did. He got down on his bed and began to rub the back of his neck while I lean against the wall. The air between us was uncomfortable and tight. What was about to occur?



"I... You see... Wow, this is hard." He made an uneasy chuckle, but I could already see what was going to happen next; I only needed confirmation.

"I think, I'm in love with you." He admits it and turns to face me while blushing. I sighed heavily, and it was confirmed that I had successfully wooed the king, "What about it?"

"Well, I was hoping maybe we cou--" 

I interrupted him, "We can't. You are a king, I'm a maid. We are already married to someone else."

"I know. But we were forced. It's not real love." He stood up and placed his hand over his chest, "I love you. You make me feel whole. I always our conversation. We don't have to marry; we can meet up secretly."

"I reject. Your highness, this is wrong, and you know it. If our partners were to die, maybe. But even then, what are the odds?"

"I could hire--"

"NO!" When I realized what I had done, I yelled in his direction. My mouth was covered as I sputtered. He tenderly rubbed my cheeks with his hand, "It's okay."

I pushed his hand away, "Maybe we should stop talking to one another."

"No, we can't stop! I need you to be around, I need you to talk to me, I just need you!"  He put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a light squeeze... 

...Should I keep talking to him? 

Tack The Cobbler x Reader (One-shots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz