Job Searching

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"Get out!" 

A senior, in his late 40s, threw me out of the store. My hands and cheek simultaneously received cuts as a result of my face brushing against the coarse sand. This stunned everyone, but they proceeded with their current tasks. I glanced behind me while adjusting my hat, which was concealing my vision. Those fiery brown eyes that could penetrate through me met mine. I quickly crouch in his direction and bow my head in forgiveness. 

"You must understand, please! To support my son, I need money!" I pleaded with my life. He chuckled at my face as I looked up with tears streaming down my face. "What gives you the impression that I'll hire you? You deceived to my face admittedly, and now you want something from me. Ha, women are expected to take care of their families at home."

I was cognizant of it. These folks wouldn't comprehend. "How am I supposed to care for my family if my husband is gone? Only eight years old and ill, my son."

He moved to kick me out of his path. He roared indignantly, "Don't question me and just go! The conversation has ended; you won't be hired for this position. You're upsetting my clients."

I stood up and grabbed my waist where he kicked me.  Another attempt to find employment has failed. Once they hear my voice, they can identify me. For lying about my gender, they strip me of my clothing and beat me. Barely inches before grabbing my wallet, I bent down. It was instantly taken by a hand with quick movement and fled. 

"NO!" I shouted and followed after him. He hasn't gone very far, I think to myself, and I come up with a strategy. I ran after him and decided to slip around him. Once he realizes he no longer needs to be concerned about me, he will let his guard down. 

I halted and started to pant. I catch of him looking behind and smirked. Of course, this infuriated me, but I managed to disappear into the crowd and chase after him. We don't want him to venture too far. I concealed myself behind this location's rugged walls. He paused his sprint to survey his surroundings. I continued to look at him. 

I lowered my hat to shield my front eyes as he entered a shoe store. I followed them inside and took a few minutes to look around. Various shoe styles are hung throughout the store. I saw a few little pairs of shoes and wondered if my son needed some new ones. No, I have to remain focused. From above, I could hear gasping noises, so I followed them. When I entered the room, a sleepy man was strangling the elf-like robber. Legs around his neck and squeeze his neck hard. I grinned maliciously, thinking that this might be my moment to steal my money. I moved in closer and attempted to take the man's wallet, but he pulled me away. He sure is greedy, for someone is suffocating to death.

"Listen, thief, I'll help you but in return, I want my money. I know the exact money I have to so don't try anything. Deal?" He hesitated but he turned blue and nodded his head quickly. I let out my hand in expecting my money out. He went through his pocket as he gasped desperately. Tossed my wallet and random money too. Which I accepted and started to look around. I pulled a string which seemed like it kind of worked. He looked better but the sleeping man began to squeeze again and groaned. the thief began to whimper so I panic. I don't want to see a dead man here. So, I pulled on the sleeping man's leg in attempt to get on off. Didn't worked; he is extremely strong which is scary. 

I know! I approached the man and tickled his neck close to his face. On everyone, it typically works, and it did. He laughed before letting the thief go. Before I could grab him, the thief panted and fled. I groaned quietly and turned to face the man. Probably a restless sleeper. Maybe there is a job vacancy for him. In an effort to look like a man, I tucked my hair under my hat. Women can work, yet sexism exists, and men are typically paid more. I approached him and gave his right leg a little kick.

The sleeping man yawned as I sensed him shift. I stooped and prodded his shoulders. He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me down before I could react. I gasped and tripped over him. He encircled my waist with his legs while stabilizing me with his arms. He squeezes hard and then gently releases. For him, I resemble a teddy bear. It seems as though my brain stopped thinking because I didn't move a muscle. What shall I do? Move him aside? Attempting to rouse him? But why do I feel as though I want to stay where I am?

It's very cozy and secure. Since having my son, I haven't experienced this. I was able to forget about everything because of the warm, cozy sensation. Despite the fact that he is a stranger, perhaps I could continue like this for a while. I was desperate to have this from someone. I shed a few tears because I was so at ease for once. How pathological that a hug made me feel so emotional...

NO! Why am I doing this? This is untrue. I kick him while using my feet to free my legs from his grip. My knee struck his region. He immediately shrieked in pain as a result, released me, and put his hands on his area. He began to roll about. I'm aware of how delicate the area is there, but I didn't mean to hit.

"Oh, dear! I apologize; I was just trying to get you to move away from me. I wasn't trying to hurt you." I brushed away my tears and stayed away from the man. I doubt he will hire me after what I did to him... He remained on the ground for five minutes as I kept hunting for something to assist him. Sincerity be damned, I have no idea why I'm still here. I'll flee as soon as I can if he does try to hurt me. He stood up and the space between us was silent. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. Oh! He requests an explanation of my presence.

"To start with, I wasn't intending to steal from you or act creepily. I came here to apprehend a thief who broke into your store. You affix him to your trousers," He looked down and saw a few tiny holes when I pointed out his overalls. "I succeeded in separating him from you, but regrettably he got away. I apologize; he also stole from me, but I was able to recover it. But you didn't." He patted my head as I made a small bow. His face was relaxed when I raised an eyebrow. He shrugged and pulled out his pockets, which were empty.

"Are you trying to say that you didn't have the money before?" I asked and he nodded his head. That got me thinking, if I worked for him, he might be able to recoup his costs. I'll also be paid!

"You own his business, yes?" He cocked his head to the side and nodded when I asked. "Great, I could work for you--" I quickly stopped talking when he immediately shook his head "no." My eyes started to tear up once more, and my smile faded. I can't take it any longer. I didn't mean to kick his crotch, so maybe that's why. Why is getting a job, which I only desired, so difficult?

"Why?" My voice quivered as I questioned. He looked down before his eyes widened when I got closer to his face. "I need a job. I need to make money to save my son. Please, I beg of you."

He gave me a little shove away as he continued to stare into my (f/c) eyes. He pulled one of the tacks out of his mouth and spoke, "My business isn't going so smoothly, I'm afraid you have to find someplace else." I sank on the ground and begged. "Nobody will work with a woman like me! I'm running short on time! If you want, I'll put on a man's suit and market your company everywhere." I stumbled over my words. My heart bleeds at the idea of my son leaving me as well, and I started to cry in an ugly way. The idea makes me feel hopeless and like a failure in front of my son.

He extended his hand to me, and I took it. I must depart and look elsewhere. How humiliating. crying in his presence. He raises me up and pushes my facial hair out; I flushed since this seems unusual. His smile grew softer as I stared into his kind, blue eyes. He said "Your devotion to your son is admirable. I'll give you a job, but I also advise acquiring a second one. Please, if you need anything, come to me. I'll want you to get dress--" I interrupted him before he could continue his thought because I held him so tightly that I started crying. I needed to let this out before I let my son see me like this, but I couldn't control myself. I'm so used to crying alone at night, but at this moment, I needed support. He cradled me tenderly in his arms and ran his pale fingers through my hair.

His fingers dried my tears as I pulled away, and as my heart began to race, I badly blushed. I hesitantly allowed him some room and inquired, "I apologize for not having introduced myself. What is yours, I'm Y/N?"

His left hand still held his tack and showed it to me, "I'm Tack. Pleasure to meet you."

What an odd name...


(I watched the Princess and the Cobbler. I know he is mute in other movies, but that shit is hard to describe and I'm lazy too)

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