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Kate's POV :

It's 6:00am; Monday. I hate Mondays. On Mondays you have to get up at 6:00am instead of 12:00pm and you have to deal with the fact that you hate the way you look.

I got up to find that I still had time to spare before my alarm went off and fell back asleep. I had a dream during those short moments of peace; people were crowding the halls and that's not a unusual sight to see at Jefferson High School. I heard someone call for help through the hopeless caos. I looked around to assist but I couldn't find them so I headed down the hall to my first period class. As I past the main office I notice a tall boy with piercing blue eyes. He look tired and nervous and bold all at the same time.With his golden brown hair tangled in a mess upon his head. As we made eye contact I quickly looked away knowing someone like him would never like me . I thought that was it ; it should've been it; but he stop me in my tracks and kissed me. Then my alarm went off.

I jump up and out of bed, away from the place that had brought that dream. I didn't want to think about it . The last thing I need on my mind right now is guys. I know, I know. 'You're in highschool,kate.' , 'Relax, kate.' , 'will you go to Will Slegger's Party with me, kate?'. I know I'm in highschool. I don't want to relax. And I certainly dont wan't to go to a wild party with a bunch of underaged drinking idiots. Why are all my peers abunch of slackers, I don't know. But, it's not like I judge them for their poor choices. I just wan't the best for all of them even though I'm basiclly an wall flower. No one pays atention to my bestfriend Liz and I. But we're fine with it. Its not like we wan't the attention, unlike Sarah and her little followers. But getting back to my piont, I really dont need to think about guys right now because they're a bunch of idiots and I can't be distarcted from my studies. The only social interaction needed is with my family, Liz, and my teachers.

I grabbed a brush and ran it through my long ,originally dark brown, burgandy hair. And still failed to suceed in taming it, so I threw on my black beanie and no longer thought about it. I took out my cheap black liquid and out lined my eyes and brushed my eyelashes in an upward motion with my mascara a few times. I rubbed my overly large, overly red, lips with my bacon lipbalm, grabed my my bag hoping for today to better than others.

Jogging down the hall and towards the door my mom called out . I couldn't make out what she had said but I screamed I love you before heading out the door. The wind hit me like a brick wall. I turned back to the door to go inside and get a sweatshirt but the door was locked. I looked at the time and swore under my breath as I walked to the 1965 bug that my mom had given to me once it stopped working but I fixed it up with my dad over the summer so I can actually drive it now. I pulled up to school and parked in one of the last spots that was open and got out practically tripping over thin air as I stubbled through the doors to hell.





Andrew's Point of View--

Ugh. It's Monday. I thought to myself as my annoying little alarm clock went off. I hate most Mondays, but this Monday is one I've been dreading ever since the incident  that sent me packing from my old school weeks ago. Now, I have always  live in the town of Jefferson but when I started school here in  kindergarten I was bullied till 2nd grade and that's when my parents  decided to send me to the schools the next town over. I wasn't such a  tough kid back then, I was shy and I only talked when I had to. I guess  I've matured. And the people at Jefferson High will see that.

I got out of bed and  picked up a pair of jeans and T-shirt. I then opened my door to a sight  that made my eyes widen and then go back to normal. My little sister was  standing there with a plate of black parched pancakes lifted over her  head. God this kid. Tries so hard sometimes. I sighed and took the plate before I knelt down to face the little toddler.

"Whats this?"

" PANCAKES!!" she yelled in a cute but very annoying voice,

" Well thanks a lot, " I said as I handed the plate back

"But you know who would  really like these???" I asked. The little girl looked up at the ceiling  and put her finger on her chin as she thought for a second, then pointed  at me. I shook my head 'no', then responded with a cheery grin.

"Cooper!!!" I said in a whisper yell. The little girl quickly agreed and quickly shuffled away to find my older brother.

I stood up and looked at  the time. It's still early because I have to meet the school's  principle before classes start and get all the necessaries like P.E.  cloths, schedule, planner, and that kind of stuff. I just gonna take a  short shower to wake myself up and then I'll get some breakfast that's  not burnt.

When I got out of the  shower I looked at the clock one last time. It seemed like a short  shower but the time said otherwise. I threw on my cloths and ran down  stairs with a towel wrapped around my dripping wet golden brown hair. I  greeted my mom and she scolded me for not drying my hair properly  because of the cold fog that had rolled in this morning. I told her that  I would be fine as I snatched some toast from the table. I stifled a  laugh when I saw my older brother glaring at me as he tried to swallow  the pancake that Jessie ,my sister, had presented to me earlier. My mom  also saw this a laughed when she saw what I had done.

"You two are hilarious! They're just pancakes." she said as she continued to giggle and then calmed herself down with a sigh.
"Yeah 'they're just pancakes'" I chuckled, making my way towards the door and tying on my black high-top Converse.
"Good luck at school today," my mom yelled from the kitchen while I shoved a few things into my backpack.
"  I'm sorry I couldn't come with you and meet your principle but I have  to get Jessie situated into her new school and then go to work."
"That's okay, I'll be fine" I said as I opened the front door.
"  Wait! Don't forget to pick you're sister up at 4 and I'll be working  late tonight so I'll leave some money with your brother for pizza  later!?"
"Yeah! Fine!" I yelled to her already making my escape and slipping out the door before she could say anything else.

I pulled up to Jefferson  high and made my way slowly and quietly through the halls so no one  would notice me. I still felt eyes on me and after a while of feeling  uncomfortable I pulled my hood up so my face would be hidden from the  judgemental stares of my new peers.
Yup. This is high school aright.  I thought with a sigh as I made my way down the halls the school I  would  personally deem as my hell.

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