But my face fell as it was only my chaotic friend group chat. The chat included me, Darcy, Tara, Tao, Isaac and Elle. It's called 'Paris Squad'.

I'm surprised I even have friends at this point. I barley make it to hang outs lately.

My social battery from my depression is always low.

Tao: I demand we all hang out soon. Shall we do a game night? my place?

Elle: demand? I guess we don't have an option lol!

I'm glad that they are at least still friends after the breakup.

Darcy: I'm in! Tell me when and I'll be there! :)

Tara: if Darcy's going I'm going

Tao: Yay! It's happening!! Tao: Can you come Charlie?

I stare at my phone for a bit to long; getting lost in my bad thoughts. They've come back again, I need to tell Geoff.

I don't think they'd want me there while I'm missing Nick. I'll be such a drag; ruin the fun. Maybe It'll be better if I'm not there.

Char: I can't. Sorry

Tao: ugh. You never hang out with us anymore!

Elle: Tao. Don't make him feel bad.

Tara: yeah! Give him a break. Charlie's prob just missing Nick.

I rubbed my face and sat on my bed. Tao is definitely mad at me now. I ruin everything. Tears whelmed in my eyes as I put my phone to the side and take a deep breath.

I'm getting overwhelmed from the group chat. My phone buzzed again.

This time it was Nick.

Nicky❤️: are you okay? I saw you weren't hanging out with the gang.

Nicky❤️: Oops I haven't checked in! Uni is already kicking my ass. Lol!

Dang it, I forgot Nick was apart of the groupchat. He probably is worried about me now, I'm such a screw up.

Today is a bad mental day, for sure. I'm trying not to admit it. Maybe it'll go away.

Char: I'm ok! I understand ur busy babe. Don't feel bad. I love you ❤️

Hopefully he can't tell I'm lying over text. But knowing Nick, he probably can.

Nicky❤️: thx for being so understanding. I feel like a bad boyfriend atm 😅 I love you too. miss you sm.

Nicky❤️: Make sure to take care of yourself!

I smiled at my phone, Nick always makes it better.

Char: you are NOT A bad boyfriend!

Char: Just ate breakfast little late but whatever. Still ate.

Char: I hope your eating ok and not just junk food! Lol!!

Nicky❤️: My mom didn't allow candy in the house.
Soo I definitely have some in my dorm room drawer :)

Nicky❤️: don't tell on me!

I can't believe how pure Nick is. He's adorable, the world doesn't deserve him.

Char: ha! You BETTER come back with a bigger belly I can use as a pillow!

Char: Ur very comfy.

Nicky❤️: I'll come back with abs after all these rugby practices ;)

Char: there better not be any hot guys on that rugby team!

Crap, I hope he knows I'm joking and not a jealous boyfriend.

Nicky❤️: Nah. Your the only hot guy in my life 😍😩🥵

Char: stop making me blush

Char: I do hope uni is going good tho.

Char: and your adjusting well and your roommates are nice!

Char: And that rugby is going good!!

Nicky❤️: yes! Everything is great!! Only chaotic and busy. Which can be nice and annoying at times.

Nicky❤️: My roommates name is Ethan. He's pretty chill. No problems there.

Nicky❤️: Rugby is great too! The teammates are cool. Even if I'm not the best on the team anymore 😅

I smile down at my phone as I began my morning, well afternoon routine. Knowing Nick is doing okay instantly calmed my anxiety down.

Char: not the rugby king I see ;)

Nicky❤️: hah. Nope. Got to do some hw now for a class. Love you xx

Part of me doesn't want this conversation to end. But Ik Nick has more important stuff to do then talk to me now.

Char: ok! I Love you too xx

"Charlie! Are you ready!? Micheal is here!" Tori called from downstairs.

I quickly brushed my hair and rushed downstairs. I give micheal a nod as a greeting.

"You take longer to get ready than Tori does." Micheal teased. Tori snorted and grabbed her jacket.

"So what are we doing?" I ask grabbing my jacket as well.

It's pretty cold in at the moment.

"I thought we can go ice skate then lunch? Well dinner after." Micheal rambled out.

I swore I saw Tori smile a little, which is rare.

They really are adorable.

"Fine with me." Tori nods and pulls me out to the car.

A/n: if you made it all the way to the end I applaud you!

Shall I make a part two? I really enjoyed writing this chapter.

Or I can even make it into a new story too!

Let me know what you guys think!

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