Older Sister Magic

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Tori took a sip of her Diet lemonade and glared at Nick as she walked into the kitchen to fill her drink. She did not understand the rugby lad's sudden interest in her nerdy brother. Was it a prank?

Ever since the tough year that Charlie had with bullying and his eating disorder, Tori felt like it was her job to protect her younger brother the best she could. She felt guilty for not doing enough before when he struggled with his eating disorder. She felt like it was her fault he had to be admitted into the hospital. she didn't do enough.

"Hi." Nick said as he walked downstairs, taking Tori out of her thoughts. The rugby lad seemed a bit nervous, was he afraid of her?

"Hey." Tori responded as she sipped on her drink.

"Uhm, Charlie is just upstairs taking a nap so I thought I'd come down for a snack-" Nick rambled out.

Tori snorted. "Are you scared of me or something?" She was very straightforward.

"What?" Nick seemed taken back. "Are you scared of me?" Tori asked again. "I don't bite."

Nick quickly shook his head. "No! N-no no not at all." he squeaked.

Tori chuckled a bit, "You sure because you seem nervous."

"I'm just a little intimidated by you is all. You're not scary or anything." Nick said honestly.

Tori looked at Nick and sipped on her diet lemonade. "Good." She said. "If you even think about hurting Charlie I'll be even more intimating."

"I won't!" Nick assured with big eyes. "Charlie is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time."

This caused Tori to smile in response and nod. "Good."

Charlie soon came down the stairs as Nick took to long.

"Tori don't scare my boyfriend." Charlie whined as he saw how nervous Nick seemed.

Tori giggled at that and smiled at Charlie. "Oh come on I have to it's part of my older sister magic."

Charlie glared cutely and pulled Nick upstairs causing Tori to snort. What was she going to do with her brother?

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