chapter 1

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I ran down the stone path, while dark clouds engulfed the sky. It was pouring rain and pitch  black too. Everything seemed so familiar like I was reliving an old memory. I ran past trees, small houses, places that were so familiar.

I ran faster and faster, not knowing if I was running from something or someone.

I made my way to a bridge and quickly crossed it. But, as I did, a board snapped and I fell right into the river below. I tried gasping for air and screaming for help but nothing helped. I sunk to the bottom until, BAMMM!!

I woke up only to find myself, still sitting on a travel bus. Straightening up my position in the seat I carefully adjusted my small black suitcase. Driving in the front was Toad, who drove the most reckless out of everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom.

After trying to become comfortable in my seat, I adjusted my sweater to cover my hands and slowly closed my eyes. But before I could Polterpup flew right thru me, making my body shiver. He lightly licked my face and flew through the seat in front of me.

I turned my head and looked out the window watching as trees quickly passed by. Finally I had noticed a sign that read 'Hotel' with an arrow pointing to the left. We only drove for a few more minutes, until the bus took an abrupt stop.

Firstly Mario and Peach got off the bus heading inside the hotel, soon followed by Toad, Yellow Toad and Blue Toad. All carrying Peach's belongings. I got up from my seat picking up my suitcase, while Luigi (who was sitting in front of me) had gotten up himself and headed for the door.

I walked to the tall, large hotel in awe. And the sun reflected off its beautiful golden material that the building was made out of. I stepped up the gold like steps only for Luigi to open the doors for me.

"Thanks Luigi," I say as both me and him walk through the doors.

The inside is even more massive than the outside. I look up to see five pictures displaying Mario, Peach, Toad, Luigi and myself. They seemed really out of place, but I dismissed them as a welcoming thing. I saw Peach admiring the hotel and decided to go and talk to her.

"This hotel is so big, ______! It's gorgeously decorated too!" She exclaimed.

"We're so lucky to have gotten an invitation to come here!" I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Yeah I guess we are," I say.

I look over at the Toads' struggling with all the bags that Peach has brought. I quickly walk over to them still holding my bag.

"Do you guys need any help?" I ask.

"Ahhh no we're fine! Whoops!" One of the Toad's falls between all of Peach's suitcases.

I gasp trying to help them, but they just say that they have everything under control. I finally give up and walk up to the front desk. A smiling man with blue skin greets me. His face seems like a face and he never blinks.

"Welcome, guests, to The Last Resort! Are you ready to check in?" He asks.

I nod my head saying yes. He turns and grabs my suitcase from my hands. I turn around to watch a woman walking down the stairs.

"Guests! Welcome to The Last Resort! My name is Hellen Gravely, and I am the owner of this hotel," She says while walking down the stairs.

She seems to float as if the dress weighs nothing.

"I am absolutely delighted that you decided to accept my invitation. You all must be very tired. Come! Allow me to show you to your rooms" she says.

"Oh, no need to worry about your luggage! Our exceptional staff will take care of it for you... Ha ha ha... You're our VIPs, after all!" she adds makeup to her face, which makes Luigi sneeze slightly.

Hellen directs us to an elevator, while some hotel staff members take out everyone's bags. When we reach the desired floor, she explains where all of our rooms are.

Peach waves as she enters her room and so does Mario. Luigi smiles as he opens his door and waves bye to me. I open the door to a bright and heavily decorated room. With balloons, banners and a small invite basket. I find my suitcase at the edge of the bed, I grab it and take a spot comfortably on the bed.

Before I know it Polterpup comes through the wall with a piece of paper in his mouth. I grab and read the note inside.

'Hello ______ it's Luigi. How are you? Sincerely, your friend Luigi :)'

I smile at the small note and write him back. Giving the note to Polterpup when I finished.

'Hi Luigi, I'm fine how about you? Sincerely, ______ <3

Me and Luigi continued to write small notes to each other until the softness of the bed convinces my body to fall asleep.


-Strange Hotel- Luigi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now