🔹🔹 Chapter 8 🔹🔹

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🎺🎺 Congratulations, for making it this far, readers 🎺🎺 You're now on the other half of the book which means.... you're getting close to the good stuff, judging by the cover picture for this chapter.

Hope you all love this chapter, comment your thoughts, bcuz I had absolute fun writing this, Chapter 8 is now my favorite of this book

❌No hate comments btw or else🗡️


🔸🎎Confession At The Festival 🎎🔸

No one's POV

No one's POV

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~At home~

"Come on..!" Nojiko sighed in anguish, she then knocked on the door to Vivi's room, "🫐 Blueberry, do you know what time it is??"

"Gimme a second, I'm almost done curling"

"It doesn't take this long to style your hair, where's Nami, she was supposed to help you finish a while ago"

Vivi, with a purple ribbon in her mouth, curling iron in her hair with one hand and hair dryer in the other, spoke in-between her teeth, "She..uh... just came out...the shower. So..on my own"

Nojiko peered in quickly through the door, "She what?!"

"Hey hey I'll be over to her in a minute, chill and don't break the door, it's your house! 😨" Vivi waved her occupied arms in the air,

"More like 30 MINUTES, everyone's already ready and it's just you and her left, we don't wanna be late!"

"The festival's not gonna start for another hour and a half, Nojiko" Koza said from downstairs,

"We still have plenty of time, your dad's not even ready either😆" Vivi's dad said, indicating to a sudden noise down the hall caused by Bell-mere shouting,


"I had to take my time with these things, we still have plenty of time left and don't break down the door, Bell-mere!"

"It can't take you that long in the shower. By the way, it's my house!"

"--OUR house! OUR!😤 I still have to pay for damages too y'know"

Everyone in the building just sweatdropped😅💧,

"Like father like daughter aka younger sister"

~Few more minutes later~

"Finished yet?" Vivi came through a door connecting her room to Nami's,

Nami was struggling with tying her outfit, "Almost. Can you help me with this? It's hard to tie a kimono"

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