Chapter 2

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Sirius pov
"Good morning me, rise and shine it's time to challenge or more like explore the dungeon" I said to myself...once again.

"Well let's take a bath and buy something to eat along the way to the dungeon."

Time skip

I arrive in front of the Tower wearing my new clothes specially made and enchanted just for this day.

(This is the current clothes mc is wearing)

"Well then it's now or never or maybe tomorrow or later, I don't care anymore

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"Well then it's now or never or maybe tomorrow or later, I don't care anymore."

A few minutes after entering the first floor I was greeted by the dungeon with some goblins... which was easy. "Well let's continue going down shall we."

Time skip

3rd pov

Floor 16

*Clang! Clang! Clang!*

In floor 16 we can see our Mc fighting two Minotaur. Around them were five more minotaur corpse that is either burn to death or bisected piece by piece.

As one of attack Sirius with it's arm he nimbly dodge to the side as he swing his sword down without wasting a single action cutting down and separating one of its arm.

As the other one tries to punch him when his not looking, Sirius used the arm that the minotaur used as a foothold to reach and cut off its neck with a single fluid swing.

As for the other minotaur after witnessing one of its kind get killed went into their berserk, simply making it easier to kill it as Sirius easily kill it in a single fluid motion.

After Sirius took out the magic stone from the corpse of all the minotaur while looking disgusted the corpse turned dust and was absorbed back into the dungeon .
(Author: I know it's terrible no need to say anything I just started okay)

Sirius pov

After collecting the magic stone I decided to return to the surface, although I'm capable of going in a much deeper floor I have no reason to so I decided that is enough for today.

' Let's see about
60 goblin magic stone
70 kobold
40 dungeon lizard
20 frog shooter
50 war shadow
20 purple moth
50 killer ant
25 needle rabbit
29 imp
14 bad bat
15 orc
10 silver back
12 hard armored
17 infant dragon
20 al-miraj
29 hell hounds
11 dungeon worm
12 minotaur
And 5 liger fang
That's quite a lot how much would these be worth I wonder.'

By the time I got out of the dungeon it is already noon.

Time skip

"I'm speechless, *sign* you do know that what you did was completely dangerous don't you Sirius? Especially because you haven't even obtained a falna or joined a familia."said a beautiful red haired demi-beast wolf in a guild uniform while frowning at me after hearing what I've just did in the dungeon.

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