He immediately started to get aroused, and stopped himself.

He's got his first match tonight and he shouldn't be fantasizing about the boss's daughter. Well, he shouldn't be fantasizing about her at all.

About a half hour before the show starts he should change into his ring gear, which were a pair of red and black shorts, red knee pads, and red boots.

He changed into the gear, and thought he looked good as he checked himself out in the mirror.

He then stretched a bit before leaving the locker room.

Fast Forward to Kurt Angle's promo

John is waiting backstage as Kurt Angle was bragging about making Hulk Hogan tap out at King of the Ring the previous Sunday.

Then he immediately issues an open challenge to anyone in the back who think they can go toe to toe with him.

The moment his generic theme start playing was his time to head out there.

As he walked down the ramp he could feel his heart pounding. He managed to keep his composer as he made it to the ring.

"Who, in the hell, are you?" Kurt asked.

John looked at Kurt, as he brought his face close to the microphone Kurt was holding, and says ''I'm John Cena."

And Kurt was smiling, his face was like 'Really?'

"John Cena huh?"

There was some silence.

Kurt spoke some more. "Well you tell me. What is the one quality that YOU..." he pauses, pointing at him. "possess? That makes you think, that you can walk out here and come into the ring. And face the very best in the business?"

Gritting his teeth, he looked Kurt dead in the eye, and says those two words.


He then gives Kurt a big old slap, and the match begins.


Stephanie is in her office watching the match between John Cena and Kurt Angle.

As they were doing take down maneuvers, she couldn't help but notice how hot looked in those trunks.

A few times she got a good look at his sexy butt.

As the match went on she felt something warm between her legs.

She slipped a hand underneath her skirt and felt and lets out a soft gasp as she felt wetness.

She couldn't believe how horny she was getting by watching a match.

Without thinking slid two fingers inside her pussy.

She couldn't stop playing with herself as she watched John executing move after move. She did her best not to moan loudly, not wanting anyone outside to hear.

She moved her other up under her shirt and bra and felt her nipples hardening.

But she was stopped by a knock on her door.

A Cena-McMahon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now