Chapter 1: Ah.M.P.

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Hell, not Michigan, Pride ring

Y/n's POV

As I enter the office building where "Ah.M.P." as the guy said, were located, I reflect on how crazy the past 4 hours have been. I got robbed and killed on Earth while trying to get some Subway, ended up in Hell, saw a demon and succubus just going at it in the open, found a Subway IN Hell, met a tough looking Imp who was actually extremely kind, and now I'm asking a business in Hell for help.

"I.M.P. That must be the people he was talking about. Just hope that they can help me."

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As I get out of the elevator, I turn to see the office where I.M.P. operate. I walk in and see 5 people, 3 of whom are Imps.

"Why, hello!" The Imp with a bow tie says, followed by the woman next to him saying, "What brings you here, friend?"

"I ended up in this place, met this guy in a bar, and he sent me here to get some assistance." I reply.

"We gotcha, who do you want us to kill?" A third Imp says.

"What do you mean, kill? Could I get your names as well?"

"The name's Blitzø, those two are Moxxie and Millie, the hellhound is Loona, and that's it!" Blitzø says.

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