"Thank you, Angel, for the gifts." You swiftly looked away to wipe your tears then returned your gaze to him. "I don't have anything to offer, but I have curry buns... Wanna share this?"

"Are you crying? Don't you like the gifts?"

You shook your head aggressively. "No. I love it, and I am so happy! It's just that... you're the first person—devil that cared for me, and it got so overwhelming... the feelings, I mean, and I can't control my tears."

Angel let out a long sigh of relief. "So, you're telling me that you're crying because of happiness? I really don't get human emotions."

You're both sitting under the tree with a one-foot distance in between. While talking, you and Angel shared the sweet bread and curry bun. Ah! This is the most delicious meal I've ever had. The curry bun was 100 times better than the previous ones. You pondered as you never imagined that sharing your curry bun with someone else would make it more fun.

You snapped out of your trance when Angel suddenly leaned in closer. Your body moved on its own and leaned backward as a defense. "You have curry on the there. Wipe it." He said, pointing at the corner of your lips.

"Oh," you chuckled awkwardly, wiping the side of your lips. That took me by surprise! Though he isn't that close... but nevertheless!

You exhaled deeply and cleared your throat. "So, you're a devil hunter?" You asked, diverting the conversation.

"Yes. That's my job."

"Wow! So you saved a lot of people."

"Yeah, you can say that."

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"Funny that you're the first human to thank me."

"What? Why?"

"They tend to be afraid of my powers, even my other colleagues; they don't want me near them. I eventually got used to it, so it doesn't bother me anymore, but it does drag on occasion, you know?"

"Yeah. I kinda feel the same. I got used to this life but sometimes it's a drag to be like this,"

"Yeah," Angel said as he took a bite of his curry bun. He then lowered his gaze before asking another question. "So... The bruises?"

"Oh. This?" You said, touching your face. "What an eyesore, huh? My father used me as payment for his debts to a mafia family when I was twelve years old. I became their maid ever since."

"And they beat you on a regular basis? I'm sorry, but I've been watching you for a while now and I've noticed that the wounds and bruises don't heal, and instead, you get more of it,"

"Yeah, sometimes when they're drunk and sometimes for small things like dinner being late or me not doing the task properly."

"They treating you badly, didn't you consider leaving that place?"

"I can't. They'd kill me if I leave, and besides, I have nowhere to go. I can barely read or write. I just asked the lady from the bakery to write that message for me so... What lies ahead for me?" You smiled bitterly and bit into your curry buns.

Angel was just staring at you because he doesn't know what he is feeling right now. Is it pity? Is it worry? Is it sadness? He has no idea.

"But you know... Even though my life is a living nightmare, I have a dream. I want to find someone who will love me because I want to know what it's like to be loved... and to have an endless supply of curry buns," you chuckled as you finished your bread.

"Well, I can help you achieve those dreams."

"Endless supply of curry buns?"

"Yeah, that, but let's start with the easiest one first...I can teach you how to read, and then we'll work our way up until you reach your dream of finding that someone," he said. Your eyes widened as you looked at him.

"And the endless supply of curry buns?"

"What's up with you and your obsession with these curry buns?" Angel asked, shaking his head at his weird question. "Nevermind. Pretend that I didn't ask you that question."

"My mother..."


"She used to make curry buns when I was little... I used to help her and we'd eat them together. She died because she got caught in a fight between a devil hunter and a devil, and from there, dad went down a spiral... That's my only memory of her, so before I forget it, I tried to look for a curry bun that tasted close to what my mother used to bake, then I found a bakery that does it, and I've bought it there ever since."

You smiled at the memory of your mother. "You know, there's something about those curry buns that every time I eat them, I feel her, comforting me. Weird isn't it?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know about your mother."

"Oh, it's fine." You let out a faint chuckle while scratching the back of your head. "My sob stories are sprouting here and there and I made you listen to all of them."

"Well, I don't mind. I like to know more about you, y/n.

"Me too! I want to know more about you, Angel."

"Yeah," Angel said, playing with the grass. There's a brief pause between you two before he speaks again. "So, do you want to learn how to read?"

"Yes!" You paused as you remember something, causing your pupils to narrow and your mouth to be slightly agape. "Oh! I have this book. It was given to me by the boss's daughter when we were kids, and she said it's about a princess who falls in love with a commoner but didn't say what happened or even the ending. I can't read most of the words, so I wanted to know what happened."

Angel gave a gentle smile. "Then bring it the next time we meet up and I'll help you in reading it."

"Thank you so much! I am so glad that I found a friend like you."

"You're over-thanking me; I didn't do anything... yet."

"Eh? You agreed to be my friend, listen to my long-ass stories, and volunteer to teach me how to read? Of course, I'll be grateful!" You flinched when you suddenly remember something. You quickly glanced at your wristwatch to check the time.

"Shoot! I need to get going; I need to start making lunch," you exclaimed, standing up. Angel took the perfume bottle, scarf, and gloves then carefully handed them, so he won't touch you. You accepted his gifts and bowed. "Thank you again for everything, Angel!" 

Angel didn't get a chance to say anything because you dashed away before he could even open his mouth. After a few steps, you halted. Angel hastily stood up as he thought that you're going to trip and fall, but you managed to keep your balance.

Safe! You thought and turned back to look at him.

"Let's meet again and I'll bring my book!" You shouted, waving your hands with a huge smile on your face.

Angel did not respond, instead letting out a faint chuckle and lightly shaking his head. "You really are a weird human."

someday, somehow | angel devil ✓Where stories live. Discover now