2: Setback

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Katooni ran at full speed through the temple, her crystal in hand. Ahead, she saw the entrance nearly sealed with creeping ice. She quickened her pace and slid underneath, emerging from the other side just as the ice reached the floor.

"I have it! I have my crystal!" Katooni exclaimed and caught her breath, holding up the crystal for them to see, then she looked over her should at the door. "But Petro is still inside."

"Did you see Mitra on your way out?" Ahsoka asked.

"Mitra?" Katooni felt her stomach twist and she shook her head. "No, we got separated soon after we went inside. She's trapped inside, too?"

"Give up on your friends, do not." Yoda nodded reassuringly.

The younglings turned to look at the ice and waited silently with the same hope. A moment later, the ice shattered and Petro burst out with a roll. He got to his feet and, with a flourish, held up his crystal for them to see.

"Petro!" Zatt grinned.

"You made it!" Katooni smiled and sighed in relief.

"How did he break the ice?" Ganodi asked, looking at Yoda.

"Only water made solid was the door." Yoda chuckled and turned to her. "Easy to break, if you have the will."

Katooni stammered. "You... said we'd be trapped."

"Not by the cave you were, but by your mind."

"But what about Mitra?" Katooni asked.

"Mitra?" Petro repeated, then looked at the group for a moment, and back again to the ice. "She's still inside?"

"Master, do you think she's trapped like I was?" Katooni clasped her hands. "What if she's in trouble?"

"Patience, young one. Sense danger, I do not."

"But, Master–"

"Trust in Mitra, you must, as trust in Petro, you did."

"Yes, Master." Katooni murmured and hugged her arms close. "I just hope she's alright."

The ground beneath their feet rumbled and the younglings' eyes widened. It lasted for several minutes and, when it finally stopped, they turned to their chaperones.

"What was that?" Petro asked, looking between Ahsoka and Yoda.

"At certain times of the year, Ilum experiences increased tectonic activity." Ahsoka answered. "Usually the quakes are small, but they can affect the tunnels– blocking some off and opening new routes to crystal deposits." She frowned slightly. "That one... was pretty big, though."

"Close the tunnels?" Ganodi repeated under her breath.

"We have to go in and look for Mitra, Master." Katooni said. She met eyes with the other younglings, and each of them nodded. "We can't do nothing when she might be in trouble."

"Worry not, younglings. Left behind, no one will be." Yoda looked at Ahsoka and she stepped forward.

"I'll go in and find her. I"m sure she just got lost." Ahsoka smiled at the younglings and put her hand on her hip. "All of you, stay with Master Yoda in case there's another earthquake. We don't want anyone else getting lost."

"Yes, Padawan Tano." They responded quietly.

Ahsoka held out her hand, channeling the Force, and broke open a larger section of ice. Once it was clear, she went inside.

The temple was just as she remembered it from her own Trial. For a moment, she could feel the emotions she had before and she smiled as she thought of how much had changed since. She allowed herself only the briefest moment of nostalgia before she continued forward with her goal: finding the missing youngling.

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