Adoption: Part 2

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A/N: Just so you guys know, I don't know the adoption process so just go with me on this one. Thanks and enjoy.


Summary: once Tamaki and Kyoya finally get to the adoption agency, they finally find the perfect match to fill the spot of their newest family member.


Third Person POV

Kyoya frowned as he looked up at the old building that was falling apart. He sighed as the idiot beside him (Tamaki) was prancing around unable to contain his excitement.

"Can you believe it, Kyoya? We're going to adopt a commoner!" Kyoya frowned at Tamaki's choice of words, but smiled.

"Indeed we are. I still can't fathom how you were able to get me to agree to this in the first place."

"It's simple," Tamaki slung his arms around his husbands shoulders, "it's because you love me!"

"That's a very intriguing notion, in its own way." Kyoya smirked as Tamaki pouted. "You look adorable when you pout."

"Do not!" Tamaki yelled, waving his arms in the air. Before he could start his rant, Kyoya grabbed his arm and dragged him inside the physicality.

As soon as they entered, they both instantly became serious. They both looked around in horror. The building was discussing. Crumbling walls, chipped paint, and a worn out desk in the center.

"How can children live in these conditions?" Tamaki whispered. Before Kyoya could answer, the lady at the desk greeted them.

"Welcome, gentlemen. How may I help you?" The two men looked at each other nervously.

"We would like to adopt," Tamaki said, recollecting himself.

"Of course. Anything specific, like he or gender?"

"Old enough to talk and I to the bathroom on its own," Tamaki smacked his arm.

"What he meant to say was that it doesn't matter." They glared at each other, but followed the lady.

"I'll take you two to the children's play room. That's where they are now." The couple intertwined their fingers and followed her together. They both prepared themselves for anything, but when they entered the playroom, it wasn't as bad as they were expecting. There were toddlers running all over the place with new toys in their hands.

"We spend all if our funds on food and toys. We don't have enough money to make building repairs," the lady explained. The men sighed in relief and looked at the children.

"Look at them playing, Kyoya!" As soon as Tamaki spoke, all eyes turned to him. Before Kyoya could react, the children swarmed the blonde, ripping them away from each other.

"Are you gonna adopt us? Did you bring any new toys? What's your name?" All of the children stared to yell questions at the same time. It annoyed Kyoya, but Tamaki seems like he was in his element. He answered every question and began to play with them.

While Tamaki was playing, Kyoya took this chance to look at all of the children. He was looking for that special connection, but he didn't feel it with any of these children. He began to lose hope. Just as he was about to get Tamaki, he heard a sniffle. He turned around and saw that the sound came from a closed closet. Kyoya adjusted his glasses and walked closer. He put his ear against the wood and listened. Someone is crying, he thought. He pulled back and gently opened the door. The crying suddenly stopped. He gingerly peeked his head in only to see a small girl huddling in the corner with a stuffed, yellow elephant.

"Hello there. What's your name?" Kyoya asked as gently as he could. The little girl shook her head and back farther into the closet. Kyoya threw away all of his pride and climbed into the small space with her. He turned on the light and closed the door shut behind him.

"It's just you and me now,"

"No it's not. Elie is here too," said a small voice. Kyoya looked over at the girl and saw that she had come out of hiding.

"And who is this 'Elie' you speak of?"

"This!" She eagerly shoved the elephant in his face. He chuckled.

"Ah. What a cute toy. Well now that I know its name, how about your name."

"My name is Victoria, and I'm 4 years old."

"What a pretty name," Kyoya motioned for her to come on his lap, which she did. "Why are you hiding in a stinky closet?"

"B-Because... the other kids don't like me," Victoria said as she started to cry again. Kyoya wiped away her tears.

"Well that's okay. I like you, and I'm going. To take you home with me," Kyoya decided. He knew that she was the one.

"Really?!" She asked, her eyes filled with joy.

"Yes. Now let's introduce you to your other Daddy." Kyoya opened the closet door and found his goofy husband playing hide and seek with the children. He was hiding underneath a table.

"Tamaki, come out here. There is someone that I would like you to meet." Tamaki came out of hiding and saw the little girl in Kyoya's arms. He looked into his eyes and saw pure joy.

"Is she the one, Kyoya?"

"Indeed. I wouldn't have it any other way." They both smiled at each other.

"This is Elie!" Yelled Victoria, shoving Elie in Tamaki's face like she did to Kyoya.

"Well then! We will be taking two children home with us!" Tamaki declared. Victoria giggled and jumped into his arms. Kyoya smiled and let's to fill out the paperwork. After leaving a generous sum of money to pay for building repairs, the happy family left the adoption center without a single regret.

Victoria never had a problem with having two Dads, but still called Kyoya 'Mommy' much to his dismay. They grew up to be one big, happy family.

Tamaki x Kyoya One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum