| 1 | Im not supposed to be here!

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coldness surrounded you, the sound of metal clanking together filled your ears. The movement was heading up but it soon came to a stop.

The metal doors opened, the sun appearing. You were quick to shield your eyes. You caught a glimpse of a boy with dirty blonde hair jump down to observe you.

"It's a girl!!" The boy called out. He offered his hand which you took. You stood up to see many boys in their teens staring at you. You observed your surroundings and that's when you realized... You were in the maze.

"I can't be here... I can't! " you looked around frantically. "I have a job to do... I can't be here. "

"Woah... Calm down greenie" the boy with dirty blonde hair did a hand gesture signaling you to calm down. "How do you know about this place?... " The boy asked referring to you stating how you couldn't and shouldn't be here.

You took a deep breath, put on a fake smile and spoke. "You know what Newt... I'm just gonna go for a walk to clear my mind... Okay?" You try getting out but your met with a wall of boys shocked that you knew Newts name.

"How do you know my nam-" Newt tried saying but was cut off.

"I'll explain everything at the campfire tonight... " you looked back at Newt.

"But tell these assholes to let me through first... Please. " Newt looked at you then nodded at the boys to let you through.

All the boys looked confused but let you through and waited for the campfire tonight to get answers they were desperate for.


It was time for the campfire and chatter was filling the air... Most of the conversations were about you and how your a girl and how you just walked off without acknowledging the many other boys in the Glade.

The boys were chattering about how you knew you were in the glade, how they got a girl, but there was one that was rather interesting and that one was how a boy was going on and on about how he saw your eye color change. He said your eyes went a tint of red.

As you were walking you heard Alby, the leader, address the boys. "Shut up! She's coming!!" You chuckled a bit,hearing him yell at the boys. You walk up to the fire and everything turns silent.

You take a seat on the ground when a certain British accent starts talking, causing you to look up from the fire.

"I'm gonna ask your again... " his voice sounded serious, it made you a bit nervous. "How do you know about this place... Are you working for
W. I. C. K. E. D?! " He gives you a death stare.

"No... Look... Well first off my name is
Y/n...and I'm an agent. I don't work for
W. I. C. K. E. D... I work alone. My job was to kill every single person that worked for those bastards. But they found out about me... And now they want my blood... Because... And look I know this is gonna sound crazy... But it's because I have powers... Tons actually. I can show you 3 if you want... Just to prove I'm not lying."

Faces were passed around among the boys. Newt looked at you. "Show us. "

You first did invisibility, in a second no body saw you.

"Ay! Where did she go! Bitch is a witch! " a boy blurted out.

You became visible again and did teleportation. You were in your place and all of a sudden you appear by newts side. Newt looks at you shocked and you give him a small smile in return.

You go back to your original place and begin using your telekinesis. You take your hand put and pick up a random boy.

"PUT ME DOWN!!PUT ME DOWN!! " The boy frantically yells. You place him down after a few more seconds.

'Woahs' and 'no ways' were heard all over. Until you heard a voice. "Ok but how do you know US? " you roll your eyes...

This Gally guy had to ruin the mood. "As I said... I was going to kill W. I. C. K. E. D and they always talked about you guys. "

Gally scoffed. "And how do we know your not lying. " Gally was really starting to get on your nerves. You clenched your jaw and looked at the boy. "W-why did your eye color change?! ... Their red.. "

"There's this power I didn't want to tell you about because I knew you guys would be scared of me... But I guess I have to know Gally. " making the 'Gally' louder than most of the Sentence you said.

After some breathing and calming down your eyes go back to your normal color. You give a sarcastic smile. "I have this dangerous power That will kill you... It's based off my mood, so if my eyes change red, black, white, or silver get the fuck out of my sight unless you want to die. Got it? " you looked around to see boys nodding.

"I still have your guys trust right?" You look at Alby. Once again the boys exchange looks. Alby spoke up. "We trust you. " you smile and nod, "thank you. "

"Alright gladers time to hit the hay. " alby said.

"Y/n your in the Homestead since your the only girl. " Newt said to you.

"Oh okay... Thanks. " with that you left to your new room, closed your eyes, and tried your best to get some sleep.

Power In The Glade | The Maze Runner x Reader |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang