Chapter 13

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Before we even reached the common room I was already in tears, holding my breath to keep my noises in my burning chest. God why was I so fucking stupid. Why couldn't I just have listened. I prayed that they'd take pity on me, that they'd consider how good I had been for them all week and just leave me be, but I knew the chances of that where slim to none.

As we reached the door I stopped dead in my tracks, my heels planted firmly against the floor. I didn't want to go in, I couldn't, but what choice did I have. "You both will be dealt with soon enough." Kylo boomed towards the stormtroopers who both stood at attention, there terror apparent even through there helmets. "Yes supreme leader" they spoke in unison.

"Go. Now" Kylo commanded, pointing a gloved finger into the threshold as he awaited for me to listen. I shook my head, clenching my eyes closed as to stop anymore tears from falling. I could hear him sigh through his vocoder, clearly growing impatient with my hesitation. "I will not tell you again. Don't make me do anything I don't wish to or you will surely regret it."

That threat was enough to get my feet moving, scurrying past him and into the common room where my knights waited. I refused to look at them, any of them as I entered, staring down at the flooring beneath me instead. "Where the fuck have you been?" Vicrul growled, anger dripping from his voice. Before I got the chance to reply Kylo entered behind me.

"I found your pet wondering the halls. You ought to think about keeping her chained up." He spoke, the sound of the words 'chained up' making me panic even more then I already was. I felt like I was going to puke again, my stomach burning and twisting at the thought of that chain around my neck.

Vicrul boomed his way across the room, stopping directly in front of me, his chest rising and falling quickly as he took in infuriated breaths. "Thank you for returning her, Master Ren." He spoke, his masked gaze never leaving me for a moment. Kylo nodded promptly. "Keep her out of my halls." That was the last thing he said before heading off without another word.

"What we're you thinking, pet? You know your not supposed to leave this room without us." Ap'lek scolded from across the room. "I'm sorry." I hiccuped, my voice no louder then a whisper. "Sorry isn't good enough." Vicrul barked, his large hand taking unforgiving hold of my arm, taking me along with him towards the couch.

"Please, I'm sorry. It will never happen again, Master Vicrul." I sobbed, tripping over my own feet as I was dragged at his side. "You are right. It will never happen again." With that he stopped me in front of them all, moving behind me and ripping the fabric of my dress, the shredded material falling to the floor in a heap. This only made my cry harder, not knowing what was to come next, knowing whatever it was it wouldn't be pleasant.

He sat himself down on the couch, forcefully yanking me over his lap, my bare torso sitting against his thighs. He pulled both my arms behind me, pinning them down against my back with one large hand. "You will count, if you miss a number, we start over. The more you struggle the harder I will hit you. Do you understand?" I quickly nodded, not wanting to upset him anymore then he already was.

"Words princess. Use your words." He hissed. "Yes! Yes I understand."
With that he began, his large gloved hand coming down hard against my backside, the force of the blow making me yelp. My hands flew to protect myself, blocking my skin from anymore blows. "What did I say, pet? STAY STILL." He yelled this time, the sound tearing through the air with a terrifying echo. I immediately put my arms back against my spine.

"I don't hear her counting, brother." Usher chimed from my left. I wanted to glare at him but I forced myself not to not wanting this to get any worse then it already was. "I suggest you cooperate princess, we are being kind with you since you've proven yourself an obedient girl lately but we do not have to be if you force our hand" Kuruk added. Defeated, I let myself go limp, my fingers gripping the fabric of Vicruls pants as I awaited him to begin again.

"One. Two. Three. Four-" I spoke through gritted teeth as the first of them came, grimacing in discomfort with every hard slap of the man's hand. The fifth one came harder then the others, so hard it jolted me forward with a loud squeal. The man's hand grabbed hold on my hair, wrenching my head back so that I was looking at him, his masked face upside down in my view.

"Did that hurt, pet?" His questioned, his voice mockingly sweet as he rubbed his opposite hand against my abused skin. "Yes" I whimpered, nodding against his grip. He brought his face closer to my own. "Good. It's supposed to hurt. That's the only way you'll will ever learn." With that he continued his assault, never letting my hair go, forcing me to look at him as I counted higher and higher.

Once he seemed satisfied with the damage he had done, my skin raw and burning, surly bright red from the his abuse he lifted me and set me roughly onto the floor, my knees hitting the cold surface with a thud. I hissed a
as my bum touched the backs of my calves, forcing myself upwards to stop the horrid contact. I was sure I'd be unimaginably bruised by the next morning.

Vicrul took hold of my face squeezing my cheeks hard enough to make my lips pucker, forcing me to stare up at him with tear filled eyes. "I went easy on you because I am a just man, pet. But if you ever disobey us in such a way again I will not stop until your begging for mercy." He spoke lowly, his tone letting me know he was completely serious. I nodded quickly to show him I understood, I would never do it again, and I truly meant it.

With that he let me go and stalked away, disappearing into his living quarters where I assumed he went to calm himself. Once he was out of sight I crumbled, a blubbering mess, my face in my hands as I tried my best to hide my outburst from the remaining knights. The sound of footsteps approaching made me tense, terrified that another knight might want a turn in punishing me as well.

I looked up to see Trudgen standing over me, a breath of relief falling from my lips at the sight of him. "Poor princess." He spoke, lifting me and pulling me against his chest. He walked the both of us back to the couch, sitting me on top of him, making me whine as my irritated flesh touched his clothed lap. "You mustn't be so disobedient, little one." He reprimanded, massaging my thighs with gentle hands. I nodded, burying myself against him, the fabric of his robes muffling me cries.

"Im sorry, Master Trudgen. I'll be good from now on. I promise"

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