What About Rene?

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S6 Ep 23.

That kiss? What happened afterwards? And did Kelly ever tell Stella?

Well.... let's see if he ever did....


Kelly pulled back from Rene's clinging lips, taking a swift step back. Her surprise that he had stopped the kiss was clear on her face, a confused smile playing on her mouth. She lifted one hand towards his face but Kelly stopped her.

"Rene don't. I... " His voice was apologetic and stilted.

"Kelly. I still love you..... I know I shouldn't be saying that but god these last few days....being with you. " She was softy appealing, her face smilingly persuasive. "We're not over each other."

Kelly didn't know what to say, shifting uncomfortably, his eyes shadowing, realising Rene was waiting for him to agree with her. The kiss took him by surprise, but her words were even more so. For a long moment, he just stared at her mutely. Somewhere in the recesses of his brain, some fleeting memories from long ago hovered but there was no substance to them, nothing that triggered any emotional response within him. Just this discomfit.

"Rene, what we had was a long time ago." Kelly's words were awkward... "Stella....."

Rene's eyes clouded at the mention of Stella's name, irritation giving her away.

"That's just a firehouse fling surely?" Rene's tone was a little dismissive which made Kelly stiffen.

Stella was not just a firehouse fling. She was so much more than that.
Rene noticed Kelly's withdrawal immediately and it made her a little uncertain.

"Kelly. I'm sorry I didn't mean to belittle your relationship with Stella. It's just after she threatened me...."

"What?" Kelly exclaimed.

"Stella threatened me... or warned me to stay away from you."

" That's not something Stella would do." Kelly defended his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, Kelly but she did. She told me not to mess with you."

"That's not exactly threatening you., Rene. Sounds like she just had my back."

"Seriously?! You're going to take her side?." Rene was floundering. This wasn't going as she expected at all.

"Of course, I'm going to take her side.
She's my girlfriend. And for your info, she's been very supportive of me helping you with this trial which given our history is pretty damn decent of her."

Rene stared at Kelly taken aback by his outburst.

"You love her." She whispered looking shocked.

Kelly stared at her. And then. "Yeah. I do." he nodded.

Rene's disappointment was visible.

"You're been so good with Nicholas and the other night at my place..I know you felt something..."

Kelly shook his head in denial.

"Rene, Nicholas is a great kid, and I was happy to help you with the case but that was it.... My life is Stella now. There's no reason for you and I, to see each other again."
Kelly's face had closed down.

She opened her mouth to say something and then shut it again, her heart falling. There was only an embarrassed sympathy on his face and it made her want to run and hide. She had been so convinced that he still had feelings for her. But he had just made it clear that he had moved on with his life with someone else. Regret and quick tears for what may have been clouded her eyes and Renee wiped them away.

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