DrInkBerry (very sad)

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(Star Sans base, just after dinner.)

"Dreammmm!" Ink groans.

"Whattttt?" Dream asks in between giggles.

"I'm boreddd." He says, flopping his head onto Dream's lap. Swap throws something at them from the other side of the room.

"Stop screwing around! I am trying to focus!" They yell trying to sound serious but just sounds tsundere. Dream just laughs and goes back to staring at the TV.

Swap was trying to figure something out, but then realized the dishes needed to be done, so they went to do that, but with their level of ADHD they did two, then googled what elephant's poop looks like. (It looks like horse poop but on a bigger scale lol.) Next thing they knew it was ten PM. 

"Swap... come to bedddd..." Dream sleepily says to Swap.

"Ah! Coming!" They say, lost in their troubling thoughts.

"You didn't get any thing done did you?" Ink asks. Swap collapses onto the bed next to him and laughs a little.

"Ugh, no." They say, and get a far away look. As always Dream and Ink just dismiss it as ADHD, but soon they would learn that was a mistake...


It was about five AM and Swap got up as usual, assuming everyone was asleep they went to the kitchen. Then Dream awoke, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, terribly wrong, he tried to brush the feeling off, but couldn't. 

Then he heard a loud thump. 

That was it for him, he had to make sure Swap was alright. 

He jumped out of bed and rushed to where the noise came from, the kitchen.

Once he entered, his jaw dropped and tears welled in his eyes. Swap... he thought shaking in disbelief. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut hoping it was all a dream. He opened them and fully realized the horror of the situation. "No... no no NO NO NO!" Dream yelled and ran over to his lover's dust. 

"Please no!" He screamed and cried. Just as Ink ran out to see what happened-


Dream lurched forward in bed, seeing Ink right next to him, but Swap was no where to be found, it was a little bit earlier then he had woken up last time. Just a dream... he thought. "I'd better check on Swap though..." Dream thought out loud, while getting out of bed.

Walking through the halls and into the kitchen Dream tried to reassure himself. Once he got to the turn that lead into the kitchen he felt another wave of nervousness. "Swap?" He says turning the corner to see his lover with a knife to his throat. Dream froze, he didn't know what to do.

"I-" Swap starts. "I'm sorry..." They say, about to jam the knife into their throat.

"Stop!-" Dream yells as the knife stabs into Swaps bones.


Dream awakes with a start again, but this time tears actively streaming out of his eyes. "Dream...?" Swap says. They were just about to leave to go to the kitchen, by this time Dream still thought it was a nightmare. "Hey, are you okay?" Swap asks. 

"J- just a nightmare..." Dream replies. 

"Alright... I'm gonna go... get... ready..." Swap says and Dream gets that Wave of panic again. 

Sanscest One Shots DISCONTINUED BUT HAS A DIFFERENT ONESHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now