Thor and Sif Confess Their Feelings

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Chapter 4

On Alfheim, the home of the Light Elves, Thor was in negotiations with the king of Alfheim Asa. Thor said, "Asgard and Alfheim have always lived in peace. What has caused your sudden change of heart?" King Asa said, "Is it true that you are marrying the princess of Vanaheirm?" Thor said, "Yes, but what has that got to do with any of the talk about going to war against us?" King Asa said, "If that takes place Thor Odinson, then there will be war." Thor asks, "Why? What has Vanaheim done to you to make you hate them?" King Asa said, "Vanheim are our mortal enemies and if you marry their princess then you to will be our enemies." Thor said, "That's absurd There is no need to fight. When we all can get along. Asgard just wants peace with all the nine realms. Surely you can put your pity differences behind you for greater good." King Asa tells Thor, "You might think it's a pity war, but we do not. Not when we are attacked for no reason." Thor said, "I can't believe that King Barrett would attack a peaceful realm like Alfheim." King Asa said, "But they did a long time ago but the people here on Alfheim haven't forgotten. You can't expect them to forget now. Even though you Thor of Asgard are our friends, if you marry the princess of Vanahiem there will be war!

Thor said, "I'm sorry to hear that old friend BUT my father, the All Father and King Barrett had the marriage pre-arranged to join our kingdoms together. However, that doesn't mean we want war against Alfheim or any of the realms." King Asa said, "Then don't marry the princess of Vanaheim and there will be no war." Thor thought for a moment about what King Asa had said. Thor knew in his heart that he wasn't in love with Serena. Although he did care for her in a friend-like way. Deep inside Thor's heart belongs to someone else, the warrior maiden, Sif. However, Thor was unsure how Sif felt about him. Especially since now with the pre-arranged marriage to Serena. Thor didn't want to hurt Serena's feelings by refusing her. Thor had wished his father hadn't pre-arranged this marriage. King Asa broke Thor's train of thought by saying, "What is your answer Thor Odinson?" Thor said, "I cannot King Asa because my father is making plans as we speak." King Asa said, "Fine! Then war it will be!" Thor said, "No, King Asa! There has to be another way to not go to war." King Asa said, "I told you what I wanted and unless I get that, there will be war between Asgard and Alfheim!" Thor said, "Fine! Suit yourself King Asa but know that Asgard will fight to protect our homes and people." Thor looks at Sif and The Warriors Three, then nods his head and they all return to the safety of the Asgardian army that came with them.

Sif asked Thor, "Now what?" Asgard can't go to war with Alfheim. the All Father won't like it." Thor said, "Yes, I know Sif but there's nothing we can do about it. My father won't call off the marriage because he wants Vanaheim as allies and this is the only way." he said softly. Sif knew that tone in his voice. It's when he doesn't really want to do something but feels he has to in order to please his father. Sif took a chance on asking Thor that one question that had been bothering her. " you really love Princess Serena or are you marrying her just to please the All-Father?" Thor looked up at Sif in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Sif knew him so well. Of course, he has known Sif ever since they were young, and he has grown quite fond of her. He even thought he was in love with Sif, but he wasn't sure how she felt about him. Thor finally said, "Yes, I love her but not in the way that you might think. I love her as a friend and like a sister but I'm not in love with her. You see Sif, there's someone else that I'm in love with but I don't know if this person has the same feelings for me." Sif said, "Why don't you ask her and find out." Thor smiled at Sif and said, "Sif, do you l... " before Thor could finish his statement, The Warriors Three came back from their patrol of the area.

Volstagg said, "Thor the Alfheim army is getting prepared for war. What will we do?" Thor looked away from Sif and turned his attention to Volstagg. Thor said, "We must also prepare for an attack. Everyone get to your positions and prepare for an attack. Volstagg bowed before Thor then he and The Warriors Three left. Thor looked at Sif and said, "I do love you, Sif. Do you love me?" Sif walked up to Thor and kissed him. Thor returned the kiss. Sif said, "Does that answer your question?" Thor smiled down at Sif and said, "Yes, it does. I just wished that we could be together, but my father won't allow it." Sif lowered her head and said, "You're still going through with the marriage, aren't you?" Thor raised Sif's face up and said, "I have no choice, my dear." Sif said, "But you don't love her, Thor. Maybe we could talk to the All Father?" Thor said, "I don't think it will work BUT we can try." "Loki and Serena would be a great pair." Sif said, Thor said, "Yes, they would if only they had feelings for each other."

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