'Ah, there she is' I thought as I pulled Ayame away from whoever she was talking to.

"What the hell, Lola!!" Ayame shouts.

"I-I need help with something." I state with a serious tone. Ayame notices this and goes silent.

After what seems like an eternity she finally asks "What do you need help with?"

After I finish explaining my feeling that I've been having problems with, Ayame chuckles.

"W-what's so funny" I asked, worried that Ayame might make fun of me for this.

"Nothing, except for the fact that you have feelings towards Mike." She says casually.

"W-well, that would explain a lot." I say.

I then ask "Do you have somebody you like as well?"

This causes her face to become bright red.

"W-well, y-yes, I-I s-suppose." She stutters.

"A-anyway, I have to go help Erwin with his paperwork, I'll see you later." She says before walking off.

———————————————Time skip towards after dinner————————————————-

__________________________Your POV_____________________________

"Lets play Truth or Dare!" Sasha suggests.

"Sure, I'm in." You say while dragging Levi behind forcing him to join.

"Me too." says Lola while also forcing Mike to take part.

"Me as well." Maynard and Hanji say in unison.

"Sure, why not" Ayame says while she convinces Erwin to join as well.

"Alright, I'll go first!" Sasha says.

"Eren, truth or dare?" Sasha asks.

"Dare." Eren says.

"I dare you to run around this whole building while shouting 'I'm a dumbass.'"Sasha says to Eren.

Eren gives out a long sigh before running around the entire place while shouting 'I'm a dumbass' the whole time.

After Eren was done he said "(F/N) truth or dare?"

"Dare." You say.

Eren gives an evil smirk before saying "I dare you to kiss Corporal Levi." He says.

"Is that all?" You ask and he nods.

"Okay." Everyone was surprised by your blunt answer.

You turn to face Levi and gave a smirk, you then slapped your hand over his mouth and then you kissed the back of your hand.

"There, did it." You said.

"T-that's not fair." Eren says.

"What's not fair about it, you said to kiss him, you never said how." You shot back.

"Maynard, truth or dare." You say to Maynard.

"Dare." He says.

"I dare you to fight Ayame in hand to hand combat." You said and everyone looks at you like you crazy.

"W-what, that's not fair, she always cheats!" Maynard complains.

"I do not. Your just a sore loser!" Ayame shouts back.

"And this is why I want you two to fight each other. I'm tired of always hearing about who is stronger that who. Besides we would have witnesses this time to see who won." You state.

"Fine." Ayame and Maynard say in defeat. You snap your fingers bringing you to an empty field full of flowers.

"Alright, I'm gonna put up a barrier so that no one gets hurt, okay?" You ask and they all nod and you set up a barrier around them.

Ayame and Maynard both get into their fighting stances.

"Ready........Set..............Go!!" You shout and they both disappear.

"What the hell, where did they go!" Eren exclaims.

"Their still here, they're just moving to fast for humans to see them normally." As you explain, large craters are forming all over the place.

"You see where those craters are?" You ask and they all nod.

"That's them fighting." You say simply and you hear a few gulp at how dangerous they can be.

__________________________Levi's POV___________________________ 

I was looking where (F/N) was looking, but all I saw were large craters being formed here and there.

'So, this is what they look while having hand to hand combat.' I thought thoroughly impressed by what I was seeing.

I look back at (F/N) and see her eyes moving rapidly all over the place.

'She must be watching the fight.' I concluded.

As I continue to stare at (F/N), the incident where she kissed the back of her hand popped up in my mind. I scold myself for thinking that.

Soon enough I hear a loud explosion and see Maynard pinning Ayame down.

"OK, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" (F/N) shouts.

Both of them stop fighting and walk over. They both have a number of wounds that would kill a normal human.

I hear (F/N) give a long sigh before saying "I said fight each other, not try and get the other one injured the most."

(F/N) snaps her fingers and a light engulfs both of them. After the light disappears they don't have a scratch on them. As if the fight they just had never happened. (F/N) snaps her fingers again and we're back in the mess hall.

"Okay who's next?" (F/N) asks and we continue to play Truth or Dare the entire time, until it was time for everyone to go to bed. After all, tomorrow's the day we are supposed to go on an expedition.

A Warrior From Another World (Levi x Reader) COMPLETEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora